Brain Training Articles & News, Page 157

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Tip #1 for Supporting Learning at Home

ADDitude Magazine has some great advice for parents looking to support their children’s learning at home. Here is tip #1: Focus on your child’s natural interests. Does your child love acting? Encourage them to act out a scene from a famous historical event. Does they love taking photos or videos? Have them to take photos that are ...

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Barnes & Noble Offering FREE Nook Book Collection

Looking for some free online reading resources for your children or teens? Check out Barnes & Noble’s Free Nook Book collection. You can sort by age and subject. To find your free books, go HERE.

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Young Kids Prefer Learning From Confident People

An interesting study from the University of British Columbia has found that not only do young kids (ages 4 and 5) prefer to learn from confident people, but they also “keep track of how well the teacher’s confidence has matched with their knowledge and accuracy in the past” in order to avoiding learning from people ...

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Games, Toys, Apps & Websites to Boost Brain Skills

If you’re looking for ways to help boost your child’s brain skills while schools are closed, check out our review site: . This one-stop website offers reviews on a wide variety of games and toys (some of which you may already have at home!), as well as apps and websites that boost cognitive skills, ...

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Inventor Scavenger Hunt

Check out this fun Inventor Scavenger Hunt from Primary Playground!

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Brain Food: Caprese Beet Salad

Since we like to keep it fresh around here, we bring you Caprese Beet Salad. Beets are a good source of naturally-occurring nitrates, which help improve blood flow to the brain, and garlic may help stave off some forms of brain cancer, according to research. Not to mention that this colorful salad is sure to ...

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What Is S-RCD (Specific Reading Comprehension Deficits)?

            There’s a lot of research on dyslexia, which simply means “trouble with words.” But there’s not as much about S-RCD, or Specific Reading Comprehension Deficits. Where dyslexia is about reading the words, S-RCD is about understanding them. It’s like being able to read a foreign language – because you know how the words are ...

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Praise for Behavior Boosts Learning More Than Punishment

Do you have a student who always seems to be in trouble for bad behavior in the classroom? A new study has found that rather than punishing them for being disruptive, praise seems to provide better results—especially with learning. Research on 2,536 students K-6 by the Taylor & Francis Group found that that kids focused ...

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List of Common Games and the Brain Skills They Boost

Did you know that the electronic game Simon boosts auditory and visual processing, attention, memory and processing speed? Or that Battleship helps work on logic and reasoning, problem solving and planning? If you’re curious about which brain skills other common games help boost, check out our extensive 3-page free downloadable "Games for Skills" chart:

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College Concussions More Prevalent Off the Field

As much as we’d like to wrap our kids in bubble wrap before sending them off to college, we can’t. And a new study shows that college sports aren’t the only place students get concussions. Research from the University of Colorado at Boulder found that about 1 in 5 college students sustains a concussion each ...

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