Brain Training Articles & News, Page 160

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Brain Food: Broiled Salmon and Roasted Garlic Cream Noodles

Fatty fish like sardines and salmon are a well-known brain booster, thanks to the omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which have been linked to lower risk of dementia as well as improved focus and memory. But since most of us don’t really consider sardines a part of our normal diet, we bring you this ...

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Your brain syncs with your baby’s brain during play

Have you ever wondered why bonding with your baby during playtime feels so important? A new study has found that our brains sync with babies’ brain during playtime. While watching adults and babies interact during play, researchers also measured the connections in their neural activity and found that it rose and fell together as they ...

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Smart Mom’s Smartphone App Toy Box

Nationally renowned brain training experts Ken Gibson and Tanya Mitchell have created a free list to help parents shop for toys, games, and brain activities that will help improve their children’s learning skills. (See the list of cognitive skills and their descriptions below.) “Our hope is that parents will shop wisely for toys this year, ...

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Dementia affects English and Italian speakers differently

Does that language you play a role in how people with dementia communicate? New research seems to indicate that it does. A small study from a team at the University of California looked at dementia-related language problems in English-speaking and Italian-speaking patients. They found that while the English speakers had difficulty pronouncing words, the Italian ...

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LearningRx Cedar Rapids on CBS Channel 2 | Cognitive Training Programs

Courtney Axline of LearningRx Cedar Rapids appeared on CBS Channel 2 todiscuss tips to help struggling students fall in love with reading thisValentine’s Day.

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LearningRx Chattanooga appears on Channel 3 NBC

A LearningRx Chattanooga student was featured on Channel 3 NBC to recite all the Presidents, in order, from memory.

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LearningRx to present at online brain health summit | Cognitive Training Programs

A news release about LearningRx’s research director presenting atthe upcoming Online Brain Health Summit was featured on PR Distribution.

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LearningRx Twin Cities to host lunch & learn | Cognitive Training Programs

The Woodbury Area Chamber of Commerce featured LearningRx’s upcomingLunch & Learn, “Unlock Your Inner Einstein” on its website.

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LearningRx Tysons featured in Inside Nova | Brain Training Center

Here’s more coverage—this one in Inside Nova—of LearningRxVienna/Tyson’s award-winning job shadow program.

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LearningRx Vienna featured on News Break

LearningRx Vienna received additional news coverage for its award-winning job shadow program.

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