Brain Training Articles & News, Page 166

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Mom Sees Dramatic Improvements in Her Son After LearningRx

When Quinn’s mom noticed he was struggling with attention, test anxiety and organization, she enrolled him in LearningRx personal brain training. Just a few weeks into the program, his teachers mentioned that Quinn seemed to have “brought his A game” to school. Quinn is now doing much better in school, completes his homework when he ...

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Boy Jumps 20 Points in MAPS Testing After LearningRx

Milo’s grandmother enrolled him in LearningRx personal brain training because he was struggling with confidence, motivation, spelling and reading abilities. She was concerned about his “mediocre” grades and standardized test scores. After starting LearningRx personal brain training, all those things improved and now Milo’s grandmother says he’s much more independent and he has become a ...

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Dad Says LearningRx Will Help Daughter for Rest of Her Life

Here’s a great follow-up video about Madison, who went through LearningRx personal brain training 3 years ago. Her father enrolled her in the program to help with her learning struggles, including her ability to learn new material. Madison was getting poor grades and struggling with reading comprehension. But after graduating from personal brain training, Madison ...

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Mom Enrolls Both Kids in LearningRx—and Sees Great Results, Even 2 Years Later

Two years ago, Heather enrolled her son and daughter in LearningRx personal brain training to help with test-taking and standardized test scores. Joey’s scores soared after completing his program; from the 50th percentile at the start to the 80th percentile! He also had significant increases in his confidence. Eleanor saw improvements in memory, test scores ...

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Struggling Students Boosts Math Skills and Confidence

Eme came to LearningRx after telling her parents she wasn’t confident in her learning skills, especially math. She was losing confidence in herself and didn’t enjoy school or homework. Since completing a personal brain training program, Eme has much more confidence, her math skills have improved and even her swimming has benefited! She says she ...

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10-Year Follow-up: From Struggling Reader to College Student

When Elle was in third grade, her mom was told not to expect Elle to ever be able to read due to a learning disabilities. Tutoring ended up serving as an accommodation, with the tutors reading to Elle so she could avoid doing it herself. Finally, Elle’s mom enrolled her in personal brain training to ...

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Younger moms have increased risk of having a child with ADHD

A new study out of the University of South Australia indicates that women who give birth at a younger age have an increased risk of their child developing ADHD later. This is especially true for women who have their child before they turn 20. The research included data on more than 220,000 women. Read more ...

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Homeschooler No Longer Struggles With Reading, Grades and Confidence

When Gavin’s mom started looking for help for her son’s learning struggles, she was disappointed to find that many programs simply offered tutoring—reteaching academic information—rather than working on strengthening fundamental brain skills. She was excited to find that LearningRx’s cognitive skills assessment confirmed her concerns about weak cognitive skills and could create a personal brain ...

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Gender gap closing for women with ADHD

A June 2019 article in ADDitude magazine reports that ADHD diagnoses for women in mid-life is on the rise, helping to close the gender gap by 31% for adults with ADHD. Although men still outnumber women when it comes to ADHD diagnoses, more women are getting evaluated and diagnosed now as awareness increases among adults. ...

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Wayne Becomes a Proficient Reader at 72!

As an adult, Wayne learned that a childhood brain injury may have weakened his cognitive skills, leaving him to struggle with reading his entire life. At 72, he went to LearningRx for a cognitive skills assessment, which showed that his brain skills were all very low compared to his peers. He enrolled in a personal ...

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