Brain Training Articles & News, Page 167

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Brain Injury Survivor Turns to Personal Brain Training

After a bike accident left Drew with a serious traumatic brain injury, a hospital stay, physical and occupational therapies helped addressed his physical injuries, but he needed help addressing his cognitive deficiencies. The Chattanooga Brain Injury Association suggested that he enroll in LearningRx personal brain training. With hard work, Drew was able to improve his ...

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Transition From Homeschool to Traditional School Made Easier After LearningRx

After years of homeschool, Sahara struggled to join the traditional school setting, especially when it came to studying and test taking. She also struggled with confidence when showing her 4H animals. Sahara’s parents wanted to find a personal brain training program that would target and work on specific skills to help her organization, studying and ...

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Mom of Student With ADHD Says, “LearningRx is different from anything we’ve tried!”

When Carson came to LearningRx, he had been diagnosed with ADHD and was struggling with schoolwork. Rather than just relying on tutoring or pills to improve attention, Carson’s mom brought him in for a cognitive skills assessment. The results showed that attention wasn’t necessarily the root of the issue; Carson was struggling to process information, ...

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Student Who Struggled With ADHD Get Into Top Choice College

Wesley is one of the hardest-working young men you’ll ever meet. The Raleigh high schooler loves all things agriculture and has always wanted to attend college at North Carolina State. Unfortunately, his struggles at school were holding him back, leading him to believe his dream was out of reach. He had difficulty completing schoolwork and ...

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Gender-specific brain cells have been found in mice

A team of researchers from the Allen Institute for Brain Science and the California Institute of Technology have discovered that the brains of male and female mice may have differences at the cellular level. The scientists read the genetic activity and found that neurons in the nervous system that deal with aggression and mating behaviors ...

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LearningRx Owatonna wins award | Brain Training Center

Southern Minn Scene held its 7th Annual Best Of contest for 2019 and LearningRx Owatonna was voted “BestKept Secret.”

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LearningRx Reston/Tysons on ABC Channel 7

Here’s Maureen Loftus of LearningRx Vienna/Reston/Tysons appearing on ABC’s Channel 7 discussing brain games to exercise your mind.

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LearningRx San Antonio NE on Channel 4 | Brain Training Center

Here’s Gina Cruz of LearningRx San Antonio NE on News Channel 4 discussingsigns your child might have ADHD.

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LearningRx Savage on Twin Cities Live

Here’s a TV segment from TCL about a 91-year-old LearningRx client who went through personal brain training.

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LearningRx Shreveport featured in Lola Magazine

Donesa Walker of LearningRx Shreveport wrote this piece on “Gifts of a Lifetime” for Lola Magazine.

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