Brain Training Articles & News, Page 172

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Staying Socially Active Appears to Offset Cognitive Decline

At the 2019 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in July, representatives from five research studies talked about lifestyle interventions that may counteract the genetic risk for the disease, and for dementia. These five interventions including smoking cessation, regular exercise, a healthy diet, limited alcohol consumption and cognitive stimulation. But in August, a new longitudinal study from ...

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Back-to-school Tips for Parents of Kids and Teens with ADHD

For the parents of children with attention struggles, September can bring a host of anxiety for the entire family. Children and teens with ADHD may struggle with homework, test-taking, making friends, grades and even behaving in the classroom. All of these things can impact confidence and even with medication, the struggles can still be overwhelming. ...

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September 27-28 is World Character Day

Along with math, English, science and history, many schools are trying to help students develop important qualities to help them judge what is right, to desire good, and to do what is right. These characters include things like honesty, respect, responsibility, integrity and citizenship. Experts believe that students who display good characters traits can improve ...

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Ben Utecht discussing LearningRx on Sport Techie

In this story about concussions in the NFL, LearningRx graduate Ben Utecht talks about his experience with LearningRx.

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LearningRx Cedar Rapids on Fox 28 to discuss partnering with teachers | Brain Training Center

Here’s Courtney Axline of LearningRx Cedar Rapids appearing on channel2 to discuss how parentings can partner with teachers to help ensure theirchild’s success.

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LearningRx Hudson student review picked up by Digital Journal | Cognitive Skills Training

This piece about a LearningRx Hudson graduate’s experience with personalbrain training was picked up by Digital Journal. #

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LearningRx San Antonio on news channel 4 | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s LearningRx San Antonio’s Gina Cruz appearing on newschannel 4 to share tips to help make this school year a success.

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LearningRx Shreveport’s article in Lola Magazine | Cognitive Training Programs

Here is LearningRx Shreveport’s Donesa Walker writing about erasingthe stigmas of dyslexia and ADHD.

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Study on LearningRx published in journal | Brain Training Center

Dr. Amy’s study, “The Promise of Clinician-delivered CognitiveTraining for Children Diagnosed with ADHD” was published in theJournal of Mental Health and Clinical Psychology.

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End Report Card Frustration

The semester is over and report cards are being sent home. When you look at your child’s report card, are you surprised by your child’s grades? We hear from parents all the time that a child’s grades don’t match his or her ability. There’s a reason for this mismatch. Often, these students may have some ...

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