Brain Training Articles & News, Page 175

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Brain Food: Bruschetta Pizza

Photo courtesy of The Pioneer Woman We admit that while pizza may not be known for its brain and body benefits, this pizza, with a fresh bruschetta topping, is loaded with tons of tomatoes which are a great superfood for your brain. Tomatoes shrink stroke risk by 50%, fight off heart attacks, protect against 9 types ...

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Skip the coffee. Exercise helps working memory just as well.

Do you drink coffee to "wake up" your brain? A first-of-its-kind study has found that just 20 minutes of exercise works just as well coffee to boost working memory. In addition, exercise can help with things like mood and focus just as much as caffeine. Even a brisk walk can help boost working memory and ...

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Walnuts May Help Fight Cognitive Decline in Elderly

Most kinds of nuts are good for your brain and body, but new research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has singled out walnuts for their ability to help slow cognitive decline in at-risk elderly. The study, which came from team in California and Spain, found that walnuts appear to be particular effective ...

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GPAs stronger predictors of college graduation than ACTs

If you’re worried that your teen didn’t score that well on the ACTs, you may want to refocus on their GPA. That’s because a new study from the University of Chicago has found that GPAs are stronger predictors of whether someone will graduate from college than ACT scores.  The researchers were not only surprised to ...

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Men and women have EQUAL spatial cognition skills

For nearly 40 years, researchers have claimed that men have an advantage on test of spatial cognition. But new research from the Leo Esports Science Lab in Ireland has found that it’s not true. Their tests showed that men have no advantage in mental rotation abilities once the time was lengthened to allow for the ...

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Smart Mom’s Toy Box: 10 Games Under $20

Nationally renowned brain training experts Dr. Ken Gibson and Tanya Mitchell have created a free list to help parents shop for toys, games, and brain activities that will help improve learning skills in their home. (See the bottom of the page for a list of cognitive skills and their descriptions.)  “Our hope is that parents will ...

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Tutoring and Handling Reading Struggles

Child struggle with reading? Do not despair, LearningRx improves reading fluency and comprehension by identifying and addressing the root cause of reading struggles! Our Director, Rich Frieder, explains below:

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LearningRx Training Improves School Conferences for the Nye family!

Eli struggled with reading, attention issues and math struggles. His parents hated parent conferences and the feedback they would receive. Homework was also a huge struggle. Fast forward after his LearningRx training and Eli loves reading and is reading all the time! Homework is no longer and struggle and parent conferences are no longer something ...

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Brain Food: Broiled Salmon and Roasted Garlic Cream Noodles

Fatty fish like sardines and salmon are a well-known brain booster, thanks to the omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which have been linked to lower risk of dementia as well as improved focus and memory. But since most of us don’t really consider sardines a part of our normal diet, we bring you this ...

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Your brain syncs with your baby’s brain during play

Have you ever wondered why bonding with your baby during playtime feels so important? A new study has found that our brains sync with babies’ brain during playtime. While watching adults and babies interact during play, researchers also measured the connections in their neural activity and found that it rose and fell together as they ...

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