Brain Training Articles & News, Page 177

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

LearningRx Vienna featured on News Break

LearningRx Vienna received additional news coverage for its award-winning job shadow program.

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LearningRx Vienna’s job-shadow program featured in The Patch | Brain Training Center

This article in The Tysons Corner Patch featured LearningRx Vienna’saward-winning job shadow program.

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Is reading really better than screen time for preschoolers?

If you’ve been telling yourself that the jury is still out in terms of the harm of screen time for preschoolers, the jury might have just returned. New studies done by the Reading & Literacy Discovery Center of Cincinnati’s Children’s Hospital found startling differences in the brains of preschoolers who spend an average of two ...

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Soybean oil causes neurological changes

What’s in your fast food cheeseburger? If you think you’re better off because your food was cooked in soybean oil, it might be time to rethink that. Soybean oil has been marketed as a healthy alternative to other kinds of oil, but new research has found that may not be true. The new study showed ...

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Is brain volume always tried to memory and thinking?

The short answer is "no."  A German research tea look at the brains of 330 older adults and found that the size of the hippocampus is only beneficial to people who also have more white-matter circuitry to link it to the rest of the brain. They found that the volume of the hippocampus doesn’t always ...

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Young brains need iron for cognitive development

Research published in the January 27, 2020 edition of JNeurosci indicates that iron levels in the brain tissue rise during development and are linked to cognitive development. This research on both children and young adults may lead to new interventions that include iron supplementation. Looking to add more iron to your diet? Consider these iron-rich ...

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Unlock a Love for Reading

One of the most common academic struggles we address at LearningRx is difficulties with reading fluency and comprehension. If reading is difficult, it can turn homework and basic academic tasks into frustrating and difficult interactions. So, why do some kids excel at reading and others struggle?

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Immune Cells Do Brain Maintenance During Sleep

You’ve probably heard that research has shown that the brain clears up waste and updates memories during sleep. But a new study has found that specialized immune cells are hard at work in the brain during sleep too. The findings, which were published in Nature Neuroscience, show that the signals in our brain that modulate ...

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Sugar alters brain chemistry in just 12 days

Who doesn’t love to savor a delicious piece of chocolate or a heaping scoop of ice cream? While it’s important to remember that a little bit of sugar is fine in moderation, there is some startling new evidence about its affect on the brain. A new study from the the Department of Clinical Medicine at ...

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Help after a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Individuals who have suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) – including, concussions, strokes, chemo brain, car accidents – heal over time but often cognitive skills like memory, processing speed, attention or logic do not return to the level they were at prior to the injury.   LearningRx training has significantly helped individuals with traumatic brain injury ...

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