Brain Training Articles & News, Page 179

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

May is Older Americans Month

If you’re an older adult struggling with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)— the first stage of Alzheimer’s—pay close attention. Our sister research nonprofit, the Gibson Institute of Cognitive Research, recently completed a series of case studies of older individuals with previously diagnosed MCI. See the research HERE:

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LearningRx Cedar Rapids on ABC Channel 9 | Cognitive Skills Training

Here’s Courtney Axline of LearningRx Cedar Rapids on ABC Channel9 discussing workplace stress and brain health:

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LearningRx Cedar Rapids on CBS Channel 2 | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s Courtney Axline of LearningRx Cedar Rapids appearing on CBSChannel 2 to discuss stress reduction and the brain:

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LearningRx Cedar Rapids on Middle School Anxiety | Brain Training Center

Here’s a piece from LearningRx Cedar Rapids on how to address middleschool anxiety:

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LearningRx Chattanooga featured in Nooga Today | Brain Training Center

This piece about LearningRx Chattanooga’s work to help survivorsof Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) was featured inNooga Today:

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LearningRx Chattanooga Highlights Local Adult Student’s Success | Brain Training Center covered a story about an adult student who had great successafter going through LearningRx Chattanooga’s personal brain training program

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LearningRx Columbus-Dublin on Fox Channel 29 | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s David O’Reilly of LearningRx Columbus-Dublin talkingabout personal brain training:

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LearningRx Columbus-Dublin on NBC Channel 4 | Cognitive Skills Training

Here’s David O’Reilly of LearningRx Columbus-Dublin and a parentof a LearningRx student appearing on Channel 4 to discuss the benefitsof personal brain training:

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LearningRx Costa Mesa Quoted in Parenting OC Article

Here’s a piece about kids with special needs benefitting from traditional summer camp, with quotes from Noha Talkhan Marwan of LearningRx Costa Mesa:

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LearningRx Shreveport on KTBS Channel 3 | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s Donesa Walker of LearningRx Shreveport talking about personalbrain training and improving cognitive abilities:

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