Brain Training Articles & News, Page 185

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

LearningRx Shreveport on Blog Talk Radio

Here’s Donesa Walker of LearningRx Shreveport-Bossier appearing on Blog Talk Radio to discuss how your attitude affects your brain:

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Video of LearningRx student’s mom on Channel 4 | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s a TV segment with a mom who appeared on Channel 4 to discusshow LearningRx got her son on the path to success in school:

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LearningRx San Antonio NE on Channel 4 | Cognitive Skills Training

Here’s LearningRx San Antonio NE appeared on channel 4 to discussthings to listen for at parent-teacher conferences:

Read more runs piece on ADHD Month from LearningRx Warren | Cognitive Skills Training

Here’s a piece from LearningRx Warren about ADHD being rooted inclusters of weak brain skills. The piece ran on

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Hope for Three runs LearningRx jigsaw puzzle contest

Hope for Three, a group dedicated to advocating for autism, ran a piece about LearningRx Sugar Land’s 2019 jigsaw puzzle competition: Jigsaw Puzzle Competition

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The Epoch Times features LearningRx in homework article | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s a piece on homework that ran in the The Epoch Times. It featuresquotes from Tanya Mitchell of LearningRx:

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LearningRx takes home a 2018 STAR Award | Brain Training Center

Every years Franchise Update Media chooses its STAR Award Winners. Findout what award LearningRx took home!

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Franchise Dictionary runs release on LearningRx lowering fees | Cognitive Training Programs

This piece about LearningRx celebrating 15 years of franchising by loweringits franchise fees and initial investment was picked up by Franchise Directory:

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LearningRx on Pro Business Channel radio | Cognitive Skills Training

Here’s a piece featuring LearningRx’s appearance on Pro Business Channel:

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LearningRx Shreveport appeared on TV to discuss dyslexia | Cognitive Training Programs

LearningRx Shreveport appeared on TV to discuss visual dyslexia:

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