Brain Training Articles & News, Page 185

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

A dance break may boost brain function

Are you a good dancer? Never mind—it doesn’t matter! According to dance psychologist and TEDx speaker Peter Lovatt, Ph.D., taking a five-minute dance break is a quick, easy way to improve your brain function, productivity, mood and physical health—even if you’re not very good at it! There are even specific dance moves that Lovatt recommends ...

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Early sleep problems may foreshadow ADHD

Does your toddler suffer from regular sleep disturbances? A new Brazilian indicates that young children (24 to 48 months) who experience nightmares and restless sleep are approximately twice as likely as their peers to be diagnosed with ADHD by the age of 11. It’s important to note that sleep duration and trajectories were not linked ...

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Break the Road Trip Boredom

Are you traveling over the holidays with the kids? Keep their brains active on a road trip by trying out these fun brain games. 1. License Plate MemoryPick out a car’s license plate and come up with a strategy to help you remember all the letters and numbers on the plate. For example, MH9-L3W could ...

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Change Your Skills at Any Age!

As we get older, our cognitive skills typically start to decline somewhere between the ages of 30-40 years old. Cognitive skills like memory and processing speed can start to decline as a natural part of the aging processing. However, we do not have to settle for this! Meet Charlotte. Charlotte is 91 years old and ...

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Food comas may actually HELP our brain

When was the last time you had a good food coma? You know the kind—like third-plate-of-Thanksgiving-dinner food coma. While most of us probably think of food comas as something that shuts down our brain, new research from New York University seems to indicate they made be beneficial in helping us form long-term memories. It makes ...

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Monkeys show more cognitive flexibility than humans

A team of researchers from Georgia State University wanted to know if capuchin and rhesus monkeys could outperform humans on tests of cognitive flexibility. The set up a variety of tests and found that the monkeys adapted to use a more efficient response sooner than humans. But why? Because monkeys have less working memory than ...

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National Family Literacy Day

On November 1st, we celebrated National Family Literacy Day. It’s the perfect time to ask yourself, which is better for your brain? Reading or listening? A new study published in the Journal of Neuroscience says both reading and listening activate the same areas in the brain that determine the words semantics or meaning. So, whether ...

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National Game and Puzzle Week is Approaching!

Every year, the week of Thanksgiving (Nov. 24th to Nov. 30th) is National Game and Puzzle Week. With a long holiday break from school for the kids, and when families tend to get together to celebrate, it’s the perfect time to dust off those board games that have been sitting on your shelf. However, if ...

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Salty food may increase risk for cognitive decline

Chips, popcorn, pork rinds, crackers, olives. If you love salty food, take note. New research indicates that consuming a lot of salt may promote cognitive decline. The study, which was published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, found that a diet high in salt may destabilize levels of the protein tau, a hallmark of dementia. Although ...

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LearningRx Reston mentioned in post about “Secrets of Numbers” | Cognitive Training Programs

In this post about Scott Flansburg, “the human calculator,”LearningRx Reston is mentioned when discussing how the center helped theposter’s son.

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