Brain Training Articles & News, Page 187

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

May I Have Your Attention? ADHD Does Not Have to Define You.

Connor, from Prior Lake, divides his life into two distinct parts – life before LearningRx and life after LearningRx. Connor was diagnosed with ADHD.  This diagnosis resulted in huge frustration and even tears.  He was completelty disorganized and homework took forever.  in eighth grade, things were getting worse as the expectations increased.  Connor had to ...

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Struggling with ADHD? There is Hope!

For the month of October, in honor of ADHD awareness month, we will be bringing you true stories of students who have come to LearningRx to improve their focus and attention. One such student is Killian Wilson from Woodbury.   In 2011 Killian’s mother, Anne, brought him to LearningRx because she was at the end of ...

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A 45-Year Study’s Secrets on Raising a Child Genius

A 45-year-long study of more than 5,000 child genius has narrowed down the commonalities of what the parents did to set their children on the path to brilliance. Here are few of the takeaways from the findings: • Parents help their children develop a “growth mindset,” meaning that they are constantly changing and learning rather ...

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Girl Genius has Higher IQ Than Einstein

Have you heard of Nishi Uggalle? The 13-year-old genius has a higher IQ than Einstein and spends her free time working on complicated math just for fun and reading philosophy. When she took MENSA’s IQ test, she received a 162—the highest score possible. (Albert Einstein is said to have an IQ of 160). Nishi says ...

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Why Teens With ADHD May Appear to Not Show Empathy

If you have a teen with ADHD, you may have asked yourself why he or she doesn’t appear to show empathy. The reality is that the lack of caring isn’t actually about not showing remorse, but rather, weak perspective-taking skills. And according to ADDitude magazine, this is a common social learning challenge among kids with ...

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About ADHD Awareness Month

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is a broad term for a condition impacting the ability to focus and pay attention in both children and adults. While hyperactivity is included in the name, it’s not always a symptom, particularly in girls and adults. More clients come to LearningRx previously diagnosed with ADHD than any other ...

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Toddlers Who Play With Dad Do Better Academically

You may have read the study saying that kids get their intelligence from their mothers, but that’s not to say that dads don’t have an equally important influence on their children. In fact, a study from the University of Newcastle recent reported that toddlers whose dads play with them “with warmth and encouragement” tend to ...

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October is Dyslexia Awareness Month

 If your child has been diagnosed with dyslexia or you’ve simply noticed some serious reading struggles, we’ll make this quick: 1. Weak auditory processing skills are at the root of approximately 85% of all reading struggles. 2. Auditory processing is the cognitive skill the brain uses to hear, segment and blend sounds. 3. Among a ...

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Staying Socially Active Appears to Offset Cognitive Decline

At the 2019 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in July, representatives from five research studies talked about lifestyle interventions that may counteract the genetic risk for the disease, and for dementia. These five interventions including smoking cessation, regular exercise, a healthy diet, limited alcohol consumption and cognitive stimulation. But in August, a new longitudinal study from ...

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Back-to-school Tips for Parents of Kids and Teens with ADHD

For the parents of children with attention struggles, September can bring a host of anxiety for the entire family. Children and teens with ADHD may struggle with homework, test-taking, making friends, grades and even behaving in the classroom. All of these things can impact confidence and even with medication, the struggles can still be overwhelming. ...

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