Brain Training Articles & News, Page 189

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Digital Journal profiles LearningRx brain training for ADHD | Cognitive Skills Training

This piece about LearningRx brain training changing behavior and cognitivefor children with ADHD was featured on #

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Why bullies target struggling students | LearningRx Blog

While the victim of bullying in a 1950s TV show might eventually see a happy ending, today’s victims of bullying often endure years of depression, anxiety, fear, or humiliation. In particular, an all-too-common victim scenario is that of the struggling student. These children – already coping with low self-esteem, decreased confidence, shame, anxiety, and sometimes, ...

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Franchise Times profiles LearningRx CEO | Brain Training Center

Franchise Times profiled LearningRx CEO Kim Hanson in this summer 2018 article:

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Digital Journal runs Reston student success story | Cognitive Training Programs

This piece about a Reston, Virginia student who went through LearningRxand changed his grades to A’s and B’s was picked up by Digital Journal: #

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BizTimes covers LearningRx moving to larger space | Brain Training Center

BizTimes picked up a story about LearningRx Milwaukee-Brookfield movinginto larger offices to accommodate its growing business:LearningRx

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Natural Awakenings publishes LearningRx piece on summer slide | Cognitive Skills Training

Here’s a piece about avoiding the “summer slide” by LearningRx’sMichael Ginsberg that ran inNatural Awakenings:

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LearningRx Fort Collins on memory and the agin brain | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s piece from LearningRx Fort Collins about memory and the agingbrain that ran in NOCO Style: Memory and the Aging Brain

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2018 Smart Mom’s Toy Box

10 Award-Winning Toys and Games that Boost Brain Skills – under $30! Buying toys for your kids isn’t as simple as it used to be, as many of today’s children and teens are adding the newest smartphones high-tech gadgets and video games to their lists faster than you can swipe your credit card. For many ...

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Augusta Free Press covers LearningRx results | Cognitive Skills Training

The Augusta Free Press ran a piece about Autistic Pride Day and the resultsthat have been achieved from LearningRx personal brain training: LearningRx reviews results of personal brain training for students withAutism Spectrum Disorder

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School-related stressors for parents of children with special needs

If you’re the parent to a special needs child, you probably don’tneed to be told what your stressors are. But sometimes it helps to gettips that have worked for other parents. Here are some of our favorites. Continue readingHERE

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