Brain Training Articles & News, Page 197

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

LearningRx Columbus on Fox – Part 1 of 2 | Brain Training Center

Here’s LearningRx Columbus appearing on Fox Channel 28 – part 1 of 2:

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Inside Nova runs piece on LearningRx | Cognitive Training Programs

This piece about LearningRx of Vienna and Reston was picked up Inside Nova:

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Beat the heat!

Cheap Indoor Activities to Keep Their Brains (& Hands!) Occupied It’s easy to keep kids busy in the summer when the sun is shining anda swimming pool (or beach) awaits. But the uber-hot days when the poolis full or rainy days when you’re stuck inside can be a bit more ofa challenge, especially when you’re ...

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Cedar Rapids Channel 9 features LearningRx | Cognitive Skills Training

Here’s a segment on ABC Channel 9 featuring LearningRx Cedar Rapids:

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ABC Channel 9 runs story on LearningRx | Brain Training Center

Here’s a piece that ran in Cedar Rapids on ABC Channel 9:

Read more runs story on LearningRx | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s a piece about LearningRx that was picked up by Autism Spectrum Disorder: Training weak cognitive skills

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Digital Journal runs release on LearningRx | Brain Training Center ran a release about theJournal of Neuroimaging publishing MRIs showing LearningRx produced changes in brain connectivity: #

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Newswire picks up LearningRx release | Cognitive Skills Training

Newswire ran a release about theJournal of Neuroimaging publishing a study on MRIs showing LearningRx brain training producedchanges in brain connectivity:

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Digital Journal picks up LearningRx story

Digital Journal ran a piece about the Journal of Neuroimaging publishing research showing LearningRx produced significant cognitive gains for soldiers with TBI and ABI: #

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Middle School Nightmares

Tips to Start in Summer for a Trauma-Free Transition Does the thought of sending your child off to middle school make you anxious? If so, you’re certainly not alone. Many adults have middle school memories of social awkwardness, hormonal upheaval, and the added pressure of more responsibilities with a growing need for more independence. Now ...

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