Brain Training Articles & News, Page 20

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

How to Evaluate Your Child’s Academic Progress (Beyond Grades)

When you think about how your child is doing in school, grades are probably the first thing that comes to mind. And while these are a reflection of your child’s mastery of particular content, they may not actually be the best measure of their academic progress. Here are some ways to think about creating a ...

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Supporting Brain Health: 10 Tips to Stay Sharp

Don’t think of focusing on brain health as a New Year’s resolution. Nearly 80% of people who set New Year’s resolutions lose their resolve by mid-February. Instead, look for gradual ways to make small changes to improve your brain that will help improve your mental health, memory, attention, and sleep.  Need some ideas? We’ve got ...

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Improving Attention Skills

We work with many individuals who struggles with attention issues or diagnosed with ADHD – combined type or inattentive. Lupe came to us due to these difficulties.  Usually, when students struggle with attention (ADHD), it is due to a combination of other weaknesses that manifest as attention issues.  The most common being processing speed.  When cognitive skills are ...

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Improving Attention Skills

We work with many individuals who struggles with attention issues or diagnosed with ADHD – combined type or inattentive. Lupe came to us due to these difficulties.  Usually, when students struggle with attention (ADHD), it is due to a combination of other weaknesses that manifest as attention issues.  The most common being processing speed.  When cognitive skills are ...

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Improving Attention Skills

We work with many individuals who struggles with attention issues or diagnosed with ADHD – combined type or inattentive. Lupe came to us due to these difficulties.  Usually, when students struggle with attention (ADHD), it is due to a combination of other weaknesses that manifest as attention issues.  The most common being processing speed.  When cognitive skills are ...

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Ways to Create Better Brain Health at Any Age

Our understanding of the human brain’s incredible potential for growth and adaptability has paved the way for enhancing cognitive abilities. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or a senior, the pursuit of better brain health is a lifelong endeavor. Here are key practices to promote optimal cognitive function at any age: Stay Physically Active Regular ...

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Reading Help: What is Dyslexia and How to Help

Reading challenges stem from many different sources. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of needing to spend more time with concepts and materials—but frequently, there are other underlying concerns. To find the right reading help, it’s important to understand what’s at the root of any reading difficulties your learner is experiencing. One common source for reading ...

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Parent-Teacher Collaboration: Supporting Your Child’s Learning Journey

In the intricate web of a child’s education, the partnership between parents and teachers plays a pivotal role in ensuring a successful learning journey. Parent-teacher collaboration is a helpful tool to give your child a leg-up in their academic and personal development. LearningRx recognizes the importance of this collaboration and encourages parents to take an ...

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Signs of Weak Working Memory + How to Strengthen It

Working memory is a critical skill for life and learning. However, for many students especially, weakness in this area contributes to struggles in the classroom, on tests and assignments, and even at home. Everything we do goes through working memory, so it’s vital to identify where your child’s struggles may be and to train those ...

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Improving Reading Comprehension

If you’ve noticed your child reading something—and then rereading it because they didn’t catch the gist the first time, there’s good news. There are things you can do at home to help strengthen your child’s reading comprehension.  To help you get started, we’ve put together some tips to help ensure your child is reading at ...

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