Brain Training Articles & News, Page 201

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Newswire picks up release on LearningRx franchising anniversary | Cognitive Skills Training

This release about LearningRx celebrating 15 years of franchising was pickedup by Newswire:

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Digital Journal runs piece on 15 years of LearningRx franchising | Brain Training Center

Here’s a release about LearningRx celebrating 15 years of franchisingthat was picked up by Digital Journal: #

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Bully Thyself: When your kid thinks they’re stupid

After a disappointing report card, it’s not always about anger formost parents; it’s about frustration and heartbreak. They see theirchild is trying, but struggling, and don’t know how to fix it. Worsestill is when your child bullies himself, saying he’s “stupid”or worrying that she’ll fall behind her peers. But there’snot much you can do, right? ...

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Here’s a boy reciting the Presidents on Great Day Houston | Brain Training Center

Here’s a fun clip of a boy from LearningRx reciting all the Presidentsin order on Great Day Houston:

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LearningRx Sugar Land on Click 2 Houston | Cognitive Training Programs

Here are some incredible kids from LearningRx Sugar Land reciting the Presidents in order:

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LearningRx featured on 21 Fox News | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s a great success story about Kip Mitchell, who went throughpersonal brain training:

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May 7 is National Barrier Awareness Day

Both visible and invisible barrier can limit the success of otherwise very capable children, teens and adults. From attention struggles and dyslexia, to dysgraphia (trouble with numbers) and memory issues, invisible barriers like weak cognitive skills can sometimes cause extreme frustration because the problem is often unknown. Kids and teens are blamed for being “lazy” ...

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LearningRx Chattanooga East on News Channel 9 ABC | Brain Training Center

Here’s LearningRx Chattanooga East’s Michelle Hecker Davisappearing on News Channel 9 to discuss memory strategies:

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LearningRx Chattanooga East on TV discussing memory strategies | Cognitive Skills Training

Here’s LearningRx Chattanooga’s Michelle Hecker Davis appearingon TV to discuss memory strategies:

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NBC Channel 4 runs piece on LearningRx Columbus-Dublin | Cognitive Training Programs

This segment on Channel 4 NBC features LearningRx Columbus-Dublin: Retrain Your Brain for Better Learning Potential

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