Brain Training Articles & News, Page 203

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

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Here’s LearningRx’s own Robin Gibson appearing on “TheTopic”:

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LearningRx Reviews Student Success 10 Years Later

LearningRx, the world’s largest personal brain training company, is celebrating the incredible success of Elle, a student who enrolled in a one-on-one brain training at LearningRx Twin Cities in Minnesota when she was in third grade. Now a senior in high school, Elle is headed off to college with the strong cognitive skills she’s retained ...

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Minnesota Public Radio covers LearningRx story | Cognitive Skills Training

Here’s a piece that MPR ran about LearningRx’s work with formerNFL tight end Ben Utecht:

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7 Myths About the Brain that Might Surprise You

1. MYTH: You’re either left-brained or right-brained. This long-standing myth has been debunked. There is no evidence that people preferentially use one side of their brain more. 2. MYTH: Cognitive decline is not impacted by choices or circumstances. We now understand that there are lots of things you can do that appear to fight cognitive ...

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Who’s to Blame for a Bad Report Card?

Report cards. Seldom have two words caused such anxiety for both students and parents. For some, poor grades can reflect feelings of inadequacy (as a student or a parent), worries about being held back a grade, or fears of not getting into a good college. Who’s to blame for learning struggles? For parents, these feelings ...

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LearningRx’s Robin Gibson on The Topic

Here’s LearningRx’s own Robin Gibson appearing on “The Topic”:

Read more runs story on LearningRx

Here’s a piece about a LearningRx Lunch ‘n’ Learn session that was picked up by

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Vienna Patch covers LearningRx’s job shadow program | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s a piece about LearningRx Tysons’ award-winning job-shadow program:

Read more runs piece about bad report cards | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s a piece by LearningRx that was picked up by It’sabout bad report cards and help for struggling learners:

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WDRB runs piece on Franchise Gator ranking | Brain Training Center

This release about LearningRx making Franchise Gator’s Top 100 Franchisesfor 2018 was picked up by

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