Brain Training Articles & News, Page 204

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

LearningRx San Antonio NE on the Smart Mom’s Toy Box | Brain Training Center

Here’s a fun segment on San Antonio Live featuring LearningRx SanAntonio NE’s Gina Cruz:

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Newswire runs piece on Franchise Gator ranking | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s a piece about LearningRx making Franchise Gator’s Top100 Franchises:

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TapInto runs piece on what makes reading hard | Brain Training Center

Here’s a piece about “what makes reading hard and how LearningRxcan help” that ran on TapInto:

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LearningRx Announces a National Presidents Day Contest Runner-up

9-year-old Girl Recites 45 Presidents While Doing Handstand LearningRx, the world’s largest personal brain training company, has announced one of two runners up in its 2018 National Presidents Day Contest. Dylann DelaRosa, a 9-year-old who went through a LearningRx one-on-one brain training program at the LearningRx Sugar Land center, impressed the judges by reciting all ...

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LearningRx Announces Another National Presidents Day Contest Runner-up

LearningRx, the world’s largest personal brain training company, has announced one of two runners up in its 2018 National Presidents Day Contest. Parshan Shams, an 11-year-old boy who went through a LearningRx one-on-one brain training program at the LearningRx McKinney center, impressed the judges by reciting all 45 Presidents while dribbling a basketball. Parshan’s talent ...

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LearningRx Announces National Presidents Day Contest Winner

13-year-old boy wows judges with guitar skills and singing LearningRx, the world’s largest personal brain training company, has announced the winner of its 2018 National Presidents Day Contest. Ben Daugherty, a 13-year-old who went through a LearningRx one-on-one brain training program at the LearningRx Chattanooga East center, impressed the judges by playing the electric guitar ...

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Piece on Cognitive Skills Test on Digital Journal | Cognitive Skills Training ran this piece challenging people to compare their brainskills to President Trump’s: #

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LearningRx Reviews Three Reasons Tasks are Easy for Some; Difficult for Others

February 27 is National “No-Brainer” Day, created to celebrate “no-brainers:” concepts and tasks that are simple, easy and obvious to most people. But for people with learning struggles, tasks considered “no-brainers” for many others—reading, balancing a checkbook, managing time, staying organized or just paying attention for an extended period of time—can be painfully challenging. Tanya ...

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Pavlov’s Tween: Why Adolescence is the Perfect Time to do Brain Training

New research published inNature Communications has found that adolescents’ brains react more responsively to receivingrewards. (If you’re curious, the World Health Organization definesadolescence as the period between the ages of 10 and 19.) Although this strong reward system can lead to risky behavior, it can alsobe used to make learning easier. It’s something that we ...

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Why some tasks are easy for some, difficult for others

February 27 is National “No-Brainer” Day, created to celebrate “no-brainers:” concepts and tasks that are simple, easy and obvious to most people. But for people with learning struggles, tasks considered “no-brainers” for many others—reading, balancing a checkbook, managing time, staying organized or just paying attention for an extended period of time—can be painfully challenging. LearningRx ...

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