Brain Training Articles & News, Page 21

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Improving Reading Comprehension

If you’ve noticed your child reading something—and then rereading it because they didn’t catch the gist the first time, there’s good news. There are things you can do at home to help strengthen your child’s reading comprehension.  To help you get started, we’ve put together some tips to help ensure your child is reading at ...

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Evaluating Your Child’s Academic Progress: 3 Core Questions to Ask

As a parent, it’s only natural to be invested in your child’s academic success. Keeping a close eye on their progress is crucial for understanding their strengths and areas that may need improvement. While report cards and parent-teacher conferences provide valuable insights, it’s essential to dig deeper into your child’s learning experience. Asking the right ...

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How Reading Help Can Improve Concentration

Strong reading skills can yield a lifetime of benefits. Reading is crucial for learning, understanding, and remembering—and it’s shown to be a stress reliever, too! For those who struggle with this ability, reading help programs can have an enormous impact, giving readers the chance to discover new ideas and new worlds.  Reading isn’t just one ...

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Signs Your Child Is Actually Learning Material (And Not Just Guessing)

As parents, we all want our children to succeed academically. We invest time, effort, and resources into providing them with the best education possible. However, it’s not uncommon for children to develop strategies that make it appear as though they’ve mastered the material when, in reality, they might be relying on guesswork rather than genuine ...

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Boosting Mental Fitness in Winter: Brain Exercises for a Sharp Mind

As the winter season unfolds, many of us find ourselves bundled up indoors, seeking warmth and comfort. While the cozy atmosphere may tempt us to hibernate, it’s crucial to keep our minds active and engaged. Just as physical exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy body, mental fitness is vital for a sharp and agile ...

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Executive Function: Boost Your Student’s Skill Set

If you’re not family with the term, “executive function,” you’re not alone. Sometimes referred to as “the management system” of the brain, this skill set includes working memory, cognitive flexibility and inhibitory control (self-control). Working together, these skills help us do things like pay attention, plan, organize, prioritize and see goals through to completion.  Although ...

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New Year, New Brain – Let’s Make the 2nd half school year better!

As we embark on a new year, it’s common to take the opportunity to set new goals and resolutions – especially within an area of struggle, frustration, or disappointment. For adults, the new objective may be to improve diet or exercise habits. For parents with a struggling child, this is often when they seek help ...

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5 Ways to Help Kids with ADHD Focus Better

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can present unique challenges for children when it comes to focusing on tasks and activities. As parents and educators, it’s crucial to provide support and implement strategies that can help enhance their concentration and attention. Let’s jump into five effective ways to assist kids with ADHD in improving their focus, ...

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Parenting Tips for Encouraging a Love of Reading in Children with Learning Struggles

For children facing learning struggles, the journey into the world of words can be a daunting one. However, instilling a love of reading in these youngsters is not only possible but can be a transformative experience for both parent and child alike. Whether or not you yourself are an avid reader, here are some ways ...

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Why Kids Get Stuck and How to Foster Academic Resilience

Every parent and educator has witnessed it at some point – the frustrating sight of a child getting “stuck” on an assignment or test, unable to move forward. They knew the information, they started strong, and then like a light switch, their brain shut off. While this can be a common occurrence, it’s essential to ...

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