Brain Training Articles & News, Page 217

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

LearningRx Reston announces BAW winner | Cognitive Training Programs

The Connection Archives ran this piece announcing the winner of the MarchMadness Brain Awareness Month competition:

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LearningRx Lincoln welcomes Melissa Edson as director of training

Here’s a piece that ran on Strictly Business announcing the hiring of Melissa Edson as the new director of training:

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LearningRx Reston and Vienna on WUSA Channel 9’s site | Brain Training Center

Here are the winners of the LearningRx Reston/Vienna’s March Madness/BrainAwareness Month contests:

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LearningRx Cedar Rapids on ABC Channel 9

Here’s LearningRx Cedar Rapids’ Courtney Axline talking about “Six Facts About Learning Struggles” on ABC Channel 9:

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Reston Connections runs LearningRx Brain Awareness Month winners | Cognitive Skills Training

Here’s a piece that ran in the Reston Connection about LearningRx’sBrain Awareness Month winners:

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Vienna Patch runs story on Brain Awareness Month Winners | Brain Training Center

The Vienna Patch ran this piece about LearningRx announcing its Brain AwarenessMonth winners:

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LearningRx in Frontiers in Psychology | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s a new research article on LearningRx that ran in Frontiersin Psychology: “Cognitive Effects of ThinkRx Cognitive RehabilitationTraining for Eleven Soldiers with Brain Injury: A Retrospective ChartReview”

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LearningRx Flower Mound in the Cross Timbers Gazette | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s a piece about satisfied parents whose children have gone throughLearningRx in Flower Mound: Parents rave about LearningRx

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LearningRx Reston names Brain Awareness Month Winners | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s a piece from Reston’s news site announcingthe Brain Awareness Month winners:

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LearningRx San Antonio on Channel 4 News | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s Gina Cruz of LearningRx San Antonio appearing on News 4 totalk about Brain Awareness Month:

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