Brain Training Articles & News, Page 224

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

The Best Brain News of 2016: Three studies show we can boost our brains at any age | LearningRx Blog

As far as the neuroscience community is concerned, 2016 was a year thatled us to breakthroughs, hope and optimism. With the help of technologiessuch as the MRI and fMRI, brain researchers have been able to determinebefore-and-after results of cognitive training and even see changes inthe brain in real time. Here are some of the best ...

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Boost Your Child’s Learning Skills in 2017 with LiftOff!

Perhaps you want your daughter to inherit your love of reading. Or maybeyou’re concerned that your son’s attention struggles willslow down his attempts at learning to read. Whatever the reason you’relooking for a boost, consider getting more information on our LiftOff program. Available to preschoolers through first-graders, LiftOff works on the foundationalcognitive skills and early ...

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Franchise Gator Names LearningRx to Top 100 Franchises of 2017

Franchise Gator has chosen its top 100 best franchises for 2017 and LearningRx was named No. 53:

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LearningRx reviews 7 ways to boost your brain power in 2017 | Brain Training Center

Here’s a piece about boosting your brain power in 2017 that got pickedup by theDigital Journal: #

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LearningRx Announces “Picture Our President” Winner for Inauguration Day

Mnemonic President Donald Trump is a “TR” Umpire Signaling “O” Llama is Safe Colorado Springs, CO, January 19, 2017 ( – ​​One-on-one brain training company LearningRx has announced the winner of its national “Picture Our New President” contest. Lexie Hein, an adult LearningRx graduate from Appleton, Wisconsin designed the winning idea for adding President-elect Donald Trump ...

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Radio interview with LearningRx graduate’s mother | Cognitive Skills Training

Here’s an incredible radio interview with a mother whose child wentthrough LearningRx personal brain training in Charlottesville: (startat 2-minute mark)

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Seven Cognitive Skills and Their Link to Learning Struggles | Cognitive Training Programs

Since its inception in 1992, the United Nations and the world has observedDecember 3 as International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD). Tohelp those struggling with cognitive disabilities, personal brain trainingcompany LearningRx has created a video explaining the seven core cognitiveskills and how they are linked to learning struggles. “Cognitive skills are the core skills ...

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LearningRx reviews 3 reasons to work with a personal brain trainer | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s a release for Personal Trainer Awareness Day that got pickedup by Digital Journal: #

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LearningRx Vienna/Reston on News 8 | Brain Training Center

Here’s more coverage of Maureen Loftus’ appearance on News8 to talk about choosing toys for your kids:

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The LearningRx Presidents Day Contest is now open!

LearningRx recently launched its annual Presidents Day Contest. This is one of our favorite times of year, because we get a chance to see the amazing, hilarious, crazy talents of our students and graduates! One of the first things students master in LearningRx brain training is the ability to recite all 44 (soon to be ...

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