Brain Training Articles & News, Page 235

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

LearningRx The Woodlands on building brain power through games | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s LearningRx The Woodlands on the power of games:

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LearningRx The Woodlands on National Scrabble Day | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s LearningRx The Woodlands talking about celebrating NationalScrabble Day the Woodlands LearningRx Way:

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Northern Virginia LearningRx centers collecting Legos for Autism Society

This article in the Leesburg Patch is about three LearningRx centers collecting toys for autism awareness:

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LearningRx on hope after a bad report card | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s LearningRx in NC talking about hope for struggling learners: #

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LearningRx Maple Grove wins as local favorite | Cognitive Training Programs

he LearningRx in Maple Grove was voted the Best Learning Center by votersin the region:

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LearningRx The Woodland wins top honor once again | Brain Training Center

Here’s a piece about LearningRx The Woodlands in which the centerwins best learning center for the second year in a row:

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Sand Art Activities to Help Children Cope with Feelings | LearningRx Blog

Understanding feelings, being able to identify our feelings, and sharing our feelings are important for a person’s emotional and psychological wellness. Happy, sad, angry, proud, afraid… these are all normal feelings. As a psychotherapist, I spend most of my day helping others sort out and cope with these feelings, and as a mom, I take ...

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5 Ways Keeping a Journal Can Help You Be a Better Parent

You want to be the best parent that you can be. What if something as simpleas keeping a journal could help you be a more effective parent? I happen to be a writer, so it makes sense that I'm enamored with thepower of the pen. But it's not just me! In fact, the myriad benefitsof ...

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Smart Mom’s Toy Box: June 2015

Brain training experts Ken Gibson and Tanya Mitchell have created a listof toys, games, and activities that support healthy cognitive development.“We want to give parents practical tips they can use to make savvybuying decisions,” Gibson explains. “Science continues toprovide insights into how plastic our brains really are, and there’sabsolutely no reason not to use that ...

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Are Daily Homework Battles Driving You Crazy?

Does your child struggle with homework? Kids who struggle with learning can find homework frustrating and exhausting (as in “tears, excuses, and tantrums” kind of frustrating and exhausting). And of course it only makes things worse when, for struggling students, assignments meant to take twenty minutes can take up to several hours. Kids who struggle ...

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