Brain Training Articles & News, Page 263

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Classic Case of Christmas Brain

This time of year may be filled with Christmas cheer and holiday goodwill, but there are other seasonal factors that can have a less-than-pleasant impact on your brain. How can you keep your brain happy and healthy through the holidays? Here are five seasonal dangers and how you can avoid them: 1. Not Enough Sunlight. ...

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Can Napping Resolve Some of Your Problems?

When Todd was five, the neighbor's cat went ballistic and gave hima really bad scratch. Twenty years later, Todd still steers clear of cats.In fact, areas of his brain involved in emotion and fear light up, andTodd starts to sweat and feel anxious, if someone even mentions cats Can Todd train his brain to react ...

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Texting Alters Teen Brain Chemistry

New data on teen texting is disturbing, to say the least. Over the past three years, teen texting is up 600%, with the average number of texts among teens hitting 3000 texts every month. Increasingly, doctors are treating teens for sleep disorders because one out of five teens wake up at night so they can ...

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Mia Tischer – From Marathon Training to Brain Training

A life changing realization came to Mia Tischer while she was training for a marathon. It dawned on her that if the body could be trained to enhance physical performance, why couldn’t the brain could be trained to enhance mental performance? Shortly after that realization, Mia made the decision to partner with LearningRx, a brain ...

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ESPN Covers Sally Francklyn’s Recovery from a TBI

“My name is Sally Francklyn and I have a traumatic brain injury.” In their recent coverage of well-known freeskiier Sally Francklyn, ESPN describes the young woman as a writer, skier, and much-loved personality in the freeskiing industry. Sally, who had recently landed a position as a public relations spokesperson for ski gear icons Nordica and ...

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LearningRx Featured in Scientific American

Should teachers teach to individual learning styles? Does research show that teaching to learning styles is effective? Are learning styles determined by brain skills or preference? An article inScientific American explores these and other questions that matter to educators and parentseverywhere. The article begins with the story of Dr. Ken Gibson who, inspired by hisown ...

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Everyday Tips for Improving Your Brain

Did you know that living with stress, eating junk food, and embracing thesedentary life as a couch potato aren’t just bad for your mood andbody, they’re bad for your brain, too? This is the reason professionalswho deal with brain health often tout the benefits of exercise, eatingwell and reducing stress. Your brain can benefit from ...

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The Real Cause of Dyslexia: Brain Scans Show the Story

A common myth about dyslexia is that it’s caused by weak visual processing. One reason this myth is so stubborn is because it sounds reasonable. After all, we use vision to read, so if reading is hard, there must be a problem with the brain’s visual system, right? Wrong. Scientists have known for years that ...

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Little White Lies Are Good for Your Brain (Just kidding. But see how easy it is to let one slip?) | LearningRx Blog

Your grandmother asks how you liked her Spam® burger. Gulp. Choosing your words carefully, you say, "I’ve never eaten anything like it! What unique texture!" Your boss asks why you’re late. Gulp. You tell him about the accident that tied up two lanes of traffic, but you conveniently leave out the fact that you also ...

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Train Your Brain to Listen: Five Fun Activities for Kids

We hear sounds (like birds chirping) and voices (like a teacher giving a homework assignment), but do we really listen? Carole Elkeles is a retired educator who believes that if kids know how to listen, both school and life will be easier to handle. She says, "Listening skills are learned…and listening is basic for communicating, ...

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