Brain Training Articles & News, Page 32

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Organization Strategies to Empower & Equip Teens for the School Year

The teenage years are a crucial period of growth and development, setting the stage for a lifetime of achievements. As a parent or guardian, you play a pivotal role in helping your teenager navigate this transformative phase successfully. One of the most valuable skills you can instill in them is organization. By equipping them with ...

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Build Better Study Skills with Homework Help!

Some people seem like naturals when it comes to studying—but the truth is, study skills aren’t innate. Everyone has to work at improving them from time to time, and most people need help when the going gets tough. If you’re looking for homework help for your learner, it’s worth considering brain training from LearningRx! But ...

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5 Ways to Get Your Kids to Work More Independently

Getting kids to work independently can be a huge battle. One of the biggest things we hear from parents is that they wish their kids would just get their work done without having to be told what to do on each step… That homework would just happen when it needs to, without constant reminders…That they;d ...

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Signs of Weak Reading Comprehension and Ways to Ignite a Love of Reading

Weak reading comprehension can be a burden on students in the classroom. But beyond these concerns in school, if you have low reading comprehension, you are also less likely to enjoy reading and pursue it. While you may think reading comprehension struggles are only linked to poor recall of what was read, there are other ...

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Do You Sign Up for More Tutoring (Or is There Another Option)?

If your child is struggling through another school year, you may be seeking out tutoring as a solution to help them overcome learning challenges and achieve better grades. While tutoring has proven beneficial for some, it might not always yield the desired results for everyone. Here are some of the things to look at to ...

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Don’t Ignore These Back-to-School Warning Signs of Learning Struggles

As children head back to school, it’s crucial for parents and educators to be aware of potential learning struggles that might hinder their academic progress. Recognizing the warning signs early on can help address the issues and provide the necessary support to ensure children’s success.The red flags we cover in this blog should not be ...

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Can Tutoring Help with Neurodiversity?

When it comes to neurodiversity, learners and their parents can face an uphill battle in finding the right support. Whether you’re exploring tutoring or alternatives like brain training, it’s only natural to worry about your options. Before you dive too deep into one type of support or another, it’s always helpful to remember that your ...

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Back-to-School Tips to Expand Your Teen’s Confidence and Independence

We all want our kids to thrive in learning environments, but often there are things that get in the way. Whether it’s overwhelming classroom environments, lack of confidence, or other concerns, many teens tend to shut down or react negatively to school. This response isn’t obstinance or bad behavior—in almost every case, it’s a coping ...

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Signs of School Avoidance (and What’s Going on Under the Surface)

School avoidance is a complex issue that affects many students around the world. While it’s natural for some children to experience occasional reluctance or anxiety about attending school, persistent school avoidance can have a significant impact on a student’s academic progress, social development, and overall well-being. There are many reasons why kids try to avoid ...

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The Back-to-School Checklist No Parent Should Forget

This isn’t going to be a back-to-school checklist full of supply lists or scheduling recommendations. While those things are important, we believe that fostering a resilient, strong brain is THE top need our children have in today’s school system. They are constantly faced with an onslaught of information, peer pressure, stress, and busy-ness, and if ...

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