Brain Training Articles & News, Page 33

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Simple Breathing Exercises for In-the-Moment Coregulation

Stressful moments happen frequently. Whether you’re a child or adult, it’s easy for emotions to ramp up and suddenly feel out of control. As adults, we’ve learned to regulate these emotional outbursts, but kids do not have that luxury—unless they’re taught how to do it. Coregulation happens when a steady presence helps to ease the ...

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Dreading Homework this Fall? Brain Training can Help!

It’s Sunday night and your learner is facing down a tall stack of unfinished homework. Does this sound familiar? Homework challenges are an incredibly common experience for students of all ages—which is why you may be exploring your options for homework help. From brain training to tutoring, it helps to know what’s available and how ...

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3 Practical Things You Can Do to Get Your Child’s Brain Ready for School

The back-to-school season is filled with stress, planning, and adjustments for your family. You spend time making sure school supply lists are checked off, sports are registered, wardrobes are filled… and it may feel like adding even one more thing to your family’s plate is too much. Even taking the last lingering days of summer ...

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Adult ADHD Solutions to Help You Focus

Adult ADHD can be a hindrance to feeling confident and successful in many areas of life. Struggling to focus and remember can leave you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed easily, and it’s hard to know where to turn for help. Neurodiverse adults have unique strengths and weaknesses, and knowing them is the first place to start! ...

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Tutoring Services in Reston: Building A Foundation For Learning

If you’re considering tutoring services for your learner, it’s also worth exploring your other options for one-on-one assistance. At LearningRx Reston, we help students practice and hone their underlying brain skills, so they can get excited about learning again. While tutoring services can help students catch up if they’ve fallen behind, they may not always ...

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Tutoring Services in Tysons: Creating A Foundation For Learning

When students face struggles in the classroom, having dedicated, one-on-one support can make all the difference. Tutoring services provide one form of support, but that’s not the only option—and it may not provide the results you’re looking for. At LearningRx Tysons, we offer hands-on, interactive support through one-on-one brain training. Many learners experience lukewarm results ...

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Tutoring Services in Colorado Springs: Building A Foundation For Better Learning

When students have a tough time in school, it helps to get outside support. But tutoring services can often recreate the challenges and frustrations of the classroom. So what else helps? At LearningRx Colorado Springs, we know that not every learner will benefit from tutoring. Instead, we provide one-on-one brain training to help students improve ...

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Don’t Miss This Critical Step to Prepare Your Child for the New School Year

The back-to-school season is filled with preparation. Supplies. Sports equipment. Schedule adjustments. The list goes on… But did you know that many parents forget THE MOST important thing that makes or breaks your kids’ ability to learn effectively in the new school year? Top-quality schools, the latest-and-greatest of school supplies, and extracurricular experiences only go ...

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Ways to Increase Your Child’s Resilience

Your child’s resilience is their ability to bounce back in the face of adversity. While you may think of things like violence, bullying, sickness, and other big-life crises as adversity, the truth is that it can be much smaller than that.  Learning struggles can be an adversity. Chronic stress can be an adversity. If your ...

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Tutoring Services in Atlanta: Creating A Strong Foundation for Learning

When your learner isn’t enjoying school, you may start to explore tutoring services, brain training, or other forms of one-on-one support. At LearningRx Atlanta – Buckhead, we’re here to help! Through focused, one-on-one brain training, students can build new skills, discover new strengths, and get motivated to learn again. Brain training can be a game-changer ...

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