Brain Training Articles & News, Page 37

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

An Incredible Brain Boost: The Benefits of Being Outdoors

In our fast-paced, technology-driven world, spending time outdoors often takes a backseat to our hectic schedules and digital distractions. However, embracing the great outdoors can be a game-changer for our brain health and overall well-being. Numerous studies have shown that connecting with nature and spending time outside can have a profound positive impact on our ...

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Time to Catch Up! 

Is your child behind in reading or math? A recent article published in The Washington Post entitled “National Test Scores Plunge, With Still No Sign of Pandemic Recovery” reported that average math and reading scores across the country have plummeted.  But most concerning is that the hardest hit were those students who were already struggling ...

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Time to Catch Up! 

Is your child behind in reading or math? A recent article published in The Washington Post entitled “National Test Scores Plunge, With Still No Sign of Pandemic Recovery” reported that average math and reading scores across the country have plummeted.  But most concerning is that the hardest hit were those students who were already struggling ...

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Time to Catch Up! 

Is your child behind in reading or math? A recent article published in The Washington Post entitled “National Test Scores Plunge, With Still No Sign of Pandemic Recovery” reported that average math and reading scores across the country have plummeted.  But most concerning is that the hardest hit were those students who were already struggling ...

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What Sets LearningRx Apart from Other Interventions?

In the realm of educational interventions, where countless methods and programs exist, LearningRx stands out as a unique and effective approach to cognitive training. Developed by Dr. Ken Gibson, LearningRx is a brain training program that focuses on enhancing cognitive skills, including attention, memory, logic, processing speed, and auditory and visual processing. While tutoring and ...

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5 Signs of Learning Struggles to Watch for Outside of School

Learning struggles can be easy to spot during the school year. Teachers send home notes. Grades suffer. The stress of school piles up. But for many kids, their learning struggles extend beyond the classroom. Summer is a great time to identify some of the real-life ways weak cognitive skills are impacting the way their brain ...

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Research Supporting the LearningRx Reading Program

Several research studies have shown changes in the brain after LearningRx brain training, and the stories we hear from clients continue to amaze us (read some of them here). With more and more students struggling with reading, we are excited to announce that we have an exciting new study on the effects of the LearningRx ...

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Brain Training or Tutoring in Colorado Springs? What’s The Difference?

Finding the right academic support can look different for every learner. That’s because every person has different learning goals, needs, and strengths. While tutoring is one example of academic support, brain training in Colorado Springs can be a great alternative. But what’s the difference?  At LearningRx Colorado Springs, we’re often asked this question. Here, we’ll ...

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Brain Training or Tutoring in Atlanta? What’s The Difference?

When learners are having a tough time in school, the right academic support can make all the difference! But what type of support makes sense for your situation—brain training or tutoring? At LearningRx Atlanta – Buckhead, we’re committed to helping students of all ages. We know that the right type of support is often dictated ...

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What Is Neurodiversity? How Can Brain Training Help?

When your child is diagnosed with a learning difference, it can open up a whole new world for everyone involved. Their diagnosis may shed light on previous challenges, and it may help you understand your own difficulties with a new perspective. Whatever the case, embracing neurodiversity can help to understand what’s next for you and ...

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