Brain Training Articles & News, Page 38

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Don’t Send Your Kids Back to School After the Holidays Without Having THIS Conversation

As the year winds down and a New Year begins, it’s a season of reflecting, goal-setting, and figuring out what you want the next year to look like. For kids, this transition happens mid school year, which makes it the perfect time to evaluate what’s working, what’s not, and what you all can do to ...

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Setting Academic Goals for the New Year

Every January, well-meaning goal-setters announce their plans to lose weight, make more money, declutter, quit imbibing and so on. Although experts agree that it’s better to keep trying than never to attempt change at all, only about 9 percent of people who set New Year’s Resolutions actually achieve them. With this in mind, how can ...

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5 Easy Brain-Boosting Activities for When Your Kids Are Out of School

As the school doors close for winter break, parents are presented with the perfect opportunity to make learning both fun and interactive. Instead of worrying about the potential “brain drain” during this time, consider incorporating these five easy brain-boosting activities and games into your holiday routine. These activities are not only enjoyable but also sneakily ...

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Can Brain Training Help With ADD/ADHD?

As our understanding of the human brain has evolved, so has the terminology that we use to describe it. Similarly, we’ve adapted our vocabulary when it comes to neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD. You may be wondering: what’s the difference between ADD and ADHD? And how does that affect brain training and other forms of support? ...

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Tips and Tools to Help Your Anxious Student

There are many reasons why your child may be an anxious student. For some, it’s bullying, lack of friends, or a learning struggle that makes them feel less smart than their peers. For others, it could be something at home—such a sick relative, lack of necessities, or neglect or abuse.  As a parent, your first ...

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A Better Second Half of the School Year Starts Here

Whether the first semester was smooth sailing or presented challenges for your family, the arrival of the new year marks a chance for a fresh start. The second half of the school year often brings extended stretches without breaks, increased testing, and a potential dip in motivation, making learning more challenging. Instead of approaching this ...

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Set and Achieve SMART Goals with Your Kids

As the New Year dawns, it brings with it fresh opportunities to set and pursue meaningful goals for both you and your family. Whether you wholeheartedly embrace the idea of New Year’s resolutions or find them a tad daunting, instilling the art of goal-setting in your children is invaluable. When kids witness how we approach ...

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An Autistic Friendly Christmas

It’s almost Christmas— one of the most highly anticipated times of the year. It’s time for food, family, and all-around cheerful festivities, but sometimes those cheerful festivities can get to be a bit overwhelming. Here are some tips on how you and your Autistic child can manage the holidays with ease! Bibliography Rudy, Lisa Jo. ...

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The Impact of Weak Memory & Processing Speed for Adults

In our fast-paced world, cognitive skills play a crucial role in how we’re able to show up for our daily lives. Among these skills, memory and processing speed stand out as fundamental components that influence how we learn, work, and interact with the world around us. Weak memory and slow processing can have a significant ...

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5 Fun Cognitive Exercises for Kids That You Can Do at Home

Parents understand the importance of physical exercise for their children’s health, but what about mental fitness? Cognitive exercises play a crucial role in helping kids and teens develop essential thinking, learning, memory, attention, and reasoning skills. These underlying brain functions, collectively known as cognitive skills, are vital for success in school, work, and everyday life. ...

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