Brain Training Articles & News, Page 48

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

ADD/ADHD Help and Executive Function Disorder

Our brains are incredibly complex machines—and executive function makes this machine run smoothly. But what is executive function, and why do people with ADHD struggle with it? Understanding executive function challenges are essential to finding the right ADD or ADHD help for your situation. “Executive function” describes a set of crucial cognitive processes that we ...

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Brain-Based Reading Intervention to Help Struggling Students

Are you a parent of a struggling reader? If so, you’re not alone. Every year, more and more students seem to be struggling with reading, and it can be frustrating and demoralizing. But there is hope! Research has shown that there are effective reading interventions that can help struggling readers improve their skills. Typical Reading ...

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New Year, New Brain: 7 Ways Brain Training Can Boost Your Brain Power

At the top of each new year, we focus a lot on setting goals. We start new exercise regimens, make a plan for our finances, set career or academic goals, and even schedule out our vacations for the year.  But how often do you set goals for your brain health?  The beginning of a new ...

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Real-Life Implications of Weak Cognitive Skills

It’s easy to draw a line connecting weak cognitive skills with struggles in school, but the reality is that these skills impact every area of life. Having a brain that efficiently interacts with the world around you is critical for learning. But it’s also vital for healthy relationships, job performance, self-motivation, and more! Here are ...

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Why Is Reading Comprehension So Hard?

One of the key reasons that children dislike reading is because of poor reading comprehension. What fun is it to read a book when you don’t experience it in a vivid or real way in your imagination? Here’s why this skill is so hard for so many kids and what you can do to strengthen ...

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How to Decide if Your Child Needs Tutoring or Brain Training

As a parent of a student who struggles in school, it can be difficult to know what type of help your child needs in order to succeed. Should you hire a tutor, pursue brain training, give it more time, or extend accommodations? There are many options and it can be overwhelming to choose the right ...

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Reading Help: What is Dyslexia and How to Help

Are you wondering if you or your child has dyslexia? Many people struggle to read, but some have a tougher time than others. The good news is, proper reading help can have an enormous impact at any age! First, it’s important to figure out what’s happening and why.  What is dyslexia, anyway? Simply put, it’s ...

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New Year = New Hope…and a New Approach to Your Child’s Learning Struggles

Welcome 2023! The past two years have certainly been interesting, and I’m excited for the possibilities the new year will bring! If your child has been struggling in school, the new year could bring the opportunity to overcome their difficulties! But for change to happen, most students can’t continue only with the same approaches they ...

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How to Finally Get Reading to “Click” for Your Struggling Student

If you’re a parent of a struggling reader, you know how frustrating and demoralizing it can be to see your child struggle with a skill that is so essential to their success in school and in life. You’ve probably tried everything from tutoring to special programs in school, but nothing seems to get reading to ...

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