Brain Training Articles & News, Page 51

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Games That Strengthen Working Memory

Working memory is a critical cognitive skill that can directly impact your ability to function in daily life. Imagine what it would be like if you took in information and immediately lost it. Or imagine being in the middle of a task and completely forgetting what you’re supposed to be doing. And maybe you don’t ...

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5 Holiday Season Brain Hacks

The holiday season can be full of overwhelm and stress—but it doesn’t have to be! Check out these 5 brain hacks to help you feel more confident and in control in this season (and beyond): #1: Use Memory Strategies Whether you’re remembering peoples’ names at a holiday party, trying to remember your to-do list, or ...

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What Really Causes Test Anxiety?

Whether it’s elementary standardized tests or college exams (or anything in between), test anxiety is a very real thing for a lot of students. They feel confident with the information. They do the work of studying. But when it comes to test day, it all goes out the window. They get nervous, they rush without ...

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Struggling Student Makes All A’s with Brain Training

To take a leap of faith can be unsettling. Scary, even. Especially when it comes to a child who has fallen behind in school. That was the case for a San Antonio area family who chose to enroll their struggling student in a brain training program at LearningRx this fall. They began their family’s journey to easier learning somewhat skeptical.  Less than three months later, ...

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Math Help: What Is Dyscalculia?

A lot of people struggle with numbers, but not everyone struggles for the same reasons. If you typically struggle with math related tasks, your first priority may be getting math help. At the same time, you may be wondering: why is this happening?  Fear or apprehension about math is surprisingly common. From kids to adults, ...

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3 Things to Do During Exam Week to Get Better Grades

Studying for exams can be stressful. It’s easy to get overwhelmed, overworked, and overstimulated, and these feelings often translate to lower grades and more frustration. Instead of gearing up for exam week with the same level of stress and dred, here are 3 tips for exam week to help you get better grades! 1. Prioritize ...

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Top 10 Brainy Gifts for Kids

Looking for some unique gift ideas to give your kids this holiday season? Brainy gifts keep your child learning and building thinking skills in a way that is fun and engaging. Check out this quick roundup of 10 of our favorite games, puzzles, toys, and more for the kids on your list: Paint By Sticker ...

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Wish You Could Get More Done in a Day? 5 Tips to Be More Productive

Do you ever have those days where you feel like you accomplished nothing? You wrap up your work day and your list is just as long (if not longer) than it was when you started. Getting yourself organized and motivated is often the biggest barrier to productivity, but there are some daily habits you can ...

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Brainy Holiday Activities to Try This Winter

The holiday season is here, and with it comes more family time. Instead of just turning to holiday movies (even though they are pretty great too), here are 5 fun holiday activities to try this year! These will help you connect with family members, whether it’s your kids or extended family, AND exercise some brain ...

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How Gratitude Impacts Your Brain

Gratitude impacts your brain at a biological level, and its implications are far-reaching for your ability to think and function on a daily basis. Studies continue to find that regular practices of thankfulness (not just during Thanksgiving) have long-lasting effects on your mood, brain, and body! Here are a Few Ways Gratitude Impacts Your Brain: ...

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