Brain Training Articles & News, Page 60

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

What Makes Kids Mentally Strong?

Mentally strong kids are confident in their own worth and value and are not as easily swayed by peer pressure, hard circumstances, or failures. Instead of succumbing to negative thoughts, mentally strong kids are resilient and able to see the big picture of what really matters. Raising mentally strong kids can seem daunting. Different personalities, ...

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Tips to Stay Focused with ADHD

Trying to stay focused with ADHD can feel impossible. Your brain has hundreds of “tabs” open, you are resistant to overwhelming tasks, and every day productivity can feel way too daunting Before you give up hoping that you or your child will ever be able to complete a task in one sitting, try some of ...

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Mom Joins LearningRx After Daughter’s Experience With Brain Training

Read our latest blog to learn more about Amelia Drew’s life-changing experience with personal brain training.

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8 Tips for Managing Homework

For many parents, the start of a new school year brings with it concerns about homework. If last year’s academics turned into a battle of the wills, tear-filled moments of frustration, or worries about self-esteem, you’re not alone! Even the smartest students can feel overwhelmed at the thought of sitting down to complete nightly projects, ...

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From struggling to excelling – watch Sully’s story.

Sully was entering first grade and was struggling with memory which had big impacts on his reading fluency and comprehension. He recently completed his LearningRx training, and he is now excelling in these areas. Watch his Twin Cities Live story above.

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Back to School: What Lots of Families Forget

Your back to school lists are filled with new supplies, backpacks, sports equipment, and other various things… but did you know that many parents forget THE MOST important thing that makes or breaks your kids’ success in the school year? You can send your child to a top-quality school, equip them with the latest and ...

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Characteristics of a Middle Child (and how to support them!)

While every family environment will create different circumstances and relationships, here are some of the generalizations that can affect a middle child’s personality:

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A Practical Guide to Easing Your Child’s Back-to-School Anxiety

As summer comes to a close and the school year looms, it’s common for children to experience anxiety at the thought of starting school again.  Kids worry about new routines, schoolwork, and social interactions, such as whether their friends will be in their class, whether their teacher will be nice, or who they’ll sit with ...

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5 Ways to Build Your Child’s Reading Confidence

Kids with low reading confidence often struggle, especially if they feel like they are behind their peers. The ability to read impacts every area of school and life, but for many kids, it is a constant source of frustration or embarrassment.  Reading confidence is not necessarily complete mastery. Instead, think of it as their ability ...

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How to Get Your Brain Back-to-School Ready

The back-to-school season is here, and amidst your supply lists and schedule changes, don’t forget about prepping your child’s brain for the year ahead! All learning happens because of cognitive skills that process the world around you. If your child’s brain is lagging in any of these areas, school is going to be harder than ...

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