Brain Training Articles & News, Page 61

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Top 3 Book Recommendations by Age

We’ve scoured Scholastic’s website to find some of their best book recommendations by age to help ensure your child is not only reading at the appropriate level, but also staying entertained enough to develop a love for books. 

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Important Questions to Ask Your Kids Before School Starts

Whether last school year was full of triumph or tears (or a mixture of both), now is the time to have some conversations with your kids before school starts. Your child is about to embark on a new set of challenges, but what can you be doing to minimize the stress that’s coming with a ...

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5 Tips to Prepare for the Return to School

So, what can parents do to best prepare their students for a return to the classroom and all that entails? We’ve got five tips to help you get organized, build a routine, and reduce the risk of problems when the first day of school finally does become a reality.

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Improve Your Child’s Self-Esteem in the New School Year

Raising confident kids is important in the world we live in. Your child’s self-esteem is going to be tested at every turn, from the first day of school to scrolling their Instagram feeds. If you can start out the school year with intentions to build up your child’s confidence and self-esteem, they will be more ...

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The Dangers of Waiting To Get Reading Help for Struggling Students

When do you get reading help for your child who is struggling, and when do you give it more time? This is a question that comes up often in our conversations with families. You don’t want to rush your child into a skill they aren’t mature enough to master, but you also don’t want to ...

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Should you redshirt your child for kindergarten?

Named for the sports-related concept of having athletes who are kept out of college competition for a year wear a red jersey, academic redshirting refers to delaying kindergarten for a year. Why would a parent choose to redshirt their child if they’re old enough to start school?

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Adult Learning Disabilities and Thriving with Neurodiversity

Having adult learning disabilities impacts all areas of life, from confidence to peer relationships to workplace performance. Whether you were diagnosed as a child or have more recently suspected you may fall into this category, it can be helpful to identify where you struggle most and why it is happening. A learning disability is no ...

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10 Summer Activities to Do With the Family

August is Family Fun Month and if you’re looking for ideas to keep the entire family entertained, consider these 10 ideas.

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Build a Strong Cognitive Foundation & Make Sure Your Child Is Ready to Learn

Getting your child ready to learn in school requires lots of different areas of focus. Are they socially, emotionally, developmentally, and mentally ready for the challenges that are coming? We would argue that one of the most important areas that you can look at is your child’s cognitive abilities. All learning requires cognitive skills, from ...

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3 Types of Learning Disabilities (and what to look for)

Curious to learn more about common learning disabilities? Check out our latest blog post about three of the most common types of learning disabilities, including what parents should look for and how students tend to “work around” the problem before it’s identified and addressed.

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