Brain Training Articles & News, Page 62

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

What if Reading is Still a Fight This Year? When to Get Help for Kids Struggling with Reading

If you have kids struggling with reading, you’re probably familiar with the fight. They don’t like reading. It’s boring. It’s hard.  This battle is exhausting for kids, parents, and teachers alike, and a lack of confidence in reading bleeds over into every other subject area as well. Reading is the foundation for learning, so what ...

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LearningRx Testimonial: Brain Training Improved Child’s Focus, Attention Span, and More

We see a range of clients in our center, but a majority of kids have some level of attention struggles. Whether it’s tuning out distractions, persevering when things are hard, or holding onto multiple things happening at a time, weak attention skills make learning harder. Check out this short LearningRx testimonial with Evan’s family sharing ...

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School Readiness: How to Help Your Young Kids Get Ready to Learn

School readiness for our 5-7 year olds is a big deal. Your baby is just starting out on a 12+ year adventure into formal schooling, and there’s no way to know what’s going to go well and what is going to be a struggle. While many researchers agree that social and emotional readiness should be ...

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Summer Reading Failure? Here’s How to Get Your Struggling Reader Ready for Back-to-School

Did you have great intentions for summer reading, but have some trouble with the follow-through? If so, you’re not alone. It’s important for kids to experience rest, fun, and family connection through the summer months, but as the school year approaches quickly you may be starting to wonder what you can do to get ready ...

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Struggling Student Blossoms After Personal Brain Training

Vivian struggled with school and it led to school-related anxiety and frustration. She enrolled in a LearningRx brain training program and was soon doing well in her classes. See what changed her academic trajectory.

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Top 5 Benefits of Being Bored for Kids

If your kids complain about being bored, you may be tempted to sign them up for more activities and to fill their schedules with things that will keep them busy. But the reality is that boredom is a powerful growth point that kids need to get comfortable with! Making boredom more normal is important for ...

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Why Do Summer Reading? + 4 Ways to Make It More Doable for Your Family

Summer is often a busy season filled with commitments, travel, and activities… So why do summer reading? Why should you add one more thing to your plate during this time that is supposed to be a season of “rest” but often feels like anything but? When families do summer reading, they are investing in the ...

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LearningRx offers free download of “Unlock the Einstein Inside”

July 15 is Give Something Away Day. We are offering a free download of “Unlock the Einstein Inside: Applying New Brain Science to Wake Up the Smart in Your Child.”

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Signs of ADHD and How to Improve Focus

More and more kids are being diagnosed with ADHD every year. According to the CDC, nearly 10% of kids have one of the 3 main presentations of ADHD (and that may be a conservative estimate). Boys are more likely to be diagnosed, but in many cases, this may be because it presents so differently. Keep ...

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Summer Reading Red Flags

If you and your child are working through a summer reading program, it is such a great opportunity for you as a parent to take stock of their learning skills. Are they reading on level, remembering what they read, and (most important) having fun doing it? If any of these areas are lagging this summer, ...

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