Brain Training Articles & News, Page 64

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

6 Summer Learning Red Flags to Watch for in Your Kids

Our kids are always learning. Whether it’s in formal school, camps, or just the day-to-day life of being a kid, learning never stops because cognitive skills are constantly working to process new stimuli. Everything from problem-solving amongst friends at the pool to reading road signs as you drive to the beach counts as summer learning ...

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The 411 on LearningRx’s Brain Booster Program for Adults

very passing birthday, it doesn’t have to be an inevitable part of aging. In fact, we now know that neuroplasticity—the brain’s ability to change at any age—can be used to our advantage. And that’s exactly why we created our Brain Booster programs.

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Simple Habits That Improve Brain Function

From childhood through your aging years, keeping your brain function in tip-top shape and supporting sharp thinking are important aspects of your whole-body wellness. The things you do daily can help you feel sharp, capable, and confident—or confused and frustrated. For kids, these are habits that are important to instill early so they can develop ...

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Is online personal brain training right for your student?

Maybe you’ve looked into LearningRx only to find that you don’t live near a center. Or perhaps your student just feels more comfortable at home, or you couldn’t attend in-center personal brain training due to scheduling conflicts. Whatever the reason, we have some good news: LearningRx now offers online brain training.

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10 Brain-Boosting Summer Road Trip Games

Picture this: You’re stuck in the car for hours on the way to your family vacation. What do you do? Do you fight over the music selection? Give everyone their own device? Queue up some shows? What if you could use your road trip time to connect as a family and play some fun brain-boosting ...

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How to Help Kids with ADHD Focus Better and Learn More Easily

Being a parent of kids with ADHD can be hard. They are often unfocused, unmotivated, obstinate, and falling behind in school… but they are also often abundantly energetic and creative. ADHD doesn’t have to be a diagnosis that determines how your child is able to learn and function in school or everyday life. It can ...

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Siblings Thrive After Completing LearningRx

English instructor Lindsay Mills got involved with LearningRx after working with 6-year-old and 7-year-old siblings who were struggling in school after moving to the U.S. from Korea.

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Screen-Free Activities to Keep Your Child’s Brain Sharp This Summer

Summer is here, and with it comes more free time for your kids. This is a great opportunity to use this time to strengthen brain skills and have some screen-free activities without it feeling like “school”!  Next time your child complains about being bored, check out these independent games and puzzles they can use to ...

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Keeping Your Brain Happy: 10 Ways to Improve Your Mood and Think More Clearly

Your brain is central to every part of your life, and keeping it balanced, happy, and healthy is critical to function at your best. But keeping your brain happy doesn’t just mean taking a spa day or “treating yourself.” Here are some practical, daily tips to boost your mental health so you can think more ...

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Maximizing Learning Potential to Help Your Student Excel

Here’s one way to look at learning: At some point your parents shifted from solving your problems for you to teaching you how to solve them yourself. Maybe they taught you how to do your own laundry, fix your bike chain, make a snack, or budget your allowance. They shared their knowledge, but in order ...

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