Brain Training Articles & News, Page 65

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

How Weak Cognitive Skills Cause Reading Struggles

You sit down with your child and teach reading, or they come home from school and you are excited to practice their newly-learned skill… and it’s crickets. There is no confidence, no fluency, and your child’s reading struggles frustrate them (and maybe you too, if we’re being honest).  Reading struggles are hard to navigate. After ...

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3 Ways to Prevent the Summer Slide

Your kid walks into day 1 of school in the fall, the teacher throws a math problem up on the SmartBoard, and… crickets. “We didn’t learn that.” “I’ve never seen that before!” “How are we supposed to do this?” The summer slide is a very real phenomenon for kids every single year. Researchers estimate that ...

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Strengthening Brain Skills in Specific Subject Areas

At LearningRx, we specialize in targeting and training clients’ brain skills to make learning faster and easier in ANY subject. But we also offer specific programs to build fundamental reading and math skills.

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Why Some Kids Struggle With Reading

Lots of kids struggle with reading, yet many parents still feel isolated and alone. Your child may be performing below standards in school, struggling with homework, or even feeling embarrassed by their own inability to read fluently.  For some kids, reading is just hard. It doesn’t “click.” It doesn’t “make sense.” And for many parents, ...

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Improve Your Child’s Reading Comprehension Skills with These 7 Tips

Does your child dread reading? Do they complain about it, saying that it’s “boring”? For many kids who struggle to stay motivated with reading, it’s because their reading comprehension skills are not as strong as they could be. After all, if you sat down and did the work to sound out and decipher a whole ...

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How to Combat the Summer Slide

The phenomenon known as the “summer slide” is lurking. The term describes the learning loss that occurs when the kids are out of school for the year.

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Brain Training Unlocks Hidden Genius in San Antonio Teen

Six months ago Cruz Kirwan was like a lot of high school seniors. He played football and basketball, had a solid social circle, and performed above average in school. Today, he’s about to head off to college a genius. Literally. The 18-year-old scored a 133 on the IQ portion of a nationally recognized cognitive test ...

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This is More Important than Any Homeschool Curriculum Choice

You start your school year with an exciting new homeschool curriculum, but it just doesn’t click. What are you going to do? Keep trying? Push through? Try something new? The curriculum carousel is an exhausting ritual in many homeschool families. They try something and it doesn’t work, or it doesn’t work as well for one ...

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LearningRx Student Gains Confidence, Improves in Reading, and Builds Attention Skills

Clients approach us at LearningRx for help in a variety of situations. Maybe it’s reading or math struggles, maybe it’s a new learning disability diagnosis and they just need some guidance, or maybe it’s trouble with attention and focus that is holding their child back. Whatever brings people into the doors, one of the most ...

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Summer Special: See How Brain Training Targets Weak Skills

If you have a child on summer break, you are likely trying to figure out that balance between rest over the summer and keeping them ready for the next school year. Your choices this summer can make the school year easier and more successful from day 1 for your child!  Check out these offers that ...

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