Brain Training Articles & News, Page 68

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

5 Ways to Keep Your Child School-Ready This Summer

Every summer, kids lose up to ⅓ of the knowledge they gained the previous school year. This “summer slide” sets kids up to feel behind before the school year even starts. The things you do over the summer can help make or break the way the school year starts. If you want your child to ...

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5 Ways Brain Training Can Help Seniors 

If you’re a senior—or love someone who is—and have noticed changes to their memory, problem-solving, processing speed, focus, and confidence take note; LearningRx’s personal brain training has a track record of helping seniors improve these areas.  Curious to learn more about how personal brain training helps seniors? Our Results Report spells out our standard score ...

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Essential Study Tips for Kids and Teens

If your child spends hours the day before a test scrambling to pull together notes, only to walk away from study sessions feeling foggy, frustrated, and not at all confident, it may be time to introduce some new study skills. Studying is an art. If your child has the skills to study, they will feel ...

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Summer Learning: How to Keep Your Brain Sharp and Get Ahead

Summer break is full of relaxation and fun, but it can also be a time where your kids actually lose up to ⅓ of the knowledge they gained over the school year. That’s a HUGE number, so what can you do to keep learning moving through the summer? Summer learning strategies can help your child’s ...

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4 Ways Mental Health Can Affect the Brain

May is National Mental Health Month. This month we want to point out the link between mental health and brain function.  Most of us have some inkling about how mental health affects the brain. You’ve probably seen it yourself when you feel stressed for a long period of time or noticed that a family member ...

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Keep Kids Off the Summer Slide: Smart Ways to Spend the Summer

The “summer slide” may sound like fun, but it’s definitely something you’ll want to keep your kids far away from this summer! During the summer, kids lose an average 2.6 months of grade-level equivalency in math computation skills and 25 percent of their reading skills. That explains why teachers usually spend four to six weeks ...

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How to Keep Your Child’s Brain Active Over the Summer

Summer break is right around the corner, and with it comes lots of fun, down time, and relaxation (or maybe your schedule is just getting busier with work, play dates, pool trips, and sports… we get that, too). Either way, it’s important to figure out how to keep the momentum from the school year going ...

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Looking for a Career Change? See What It’s Like To Be a LearningRx Brain Trainer!

If you’re looking for a rewarding job where you can help make an impact on the lives of others, a career as a LearningRx brain trainer could be a good fit for you!

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Maximize Your Student’s Potential 

As an engaged parent, you want to do whatever you can to maximize your student’s chances of success. But how do you maximize your student’s potential? Oftentimes, it’s not until students are getting poor grades that we look for interventions to help them improve. But sometimes, all it takes for an average student to truly ...

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How to Encourage Your Stressed Kids

Stressed kids feel like a burden and struggle with confidence, school performance, behavior, and more. Stress is a part of life for all of us, and unfortunately kids are feeling its effects earlier and earlier. Helping your kids learn to manage stress is a critical life skill in the world we live in, and here ...

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