Brain Training Articles & News, Page 71

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Essential Cognitive Skills for Paying Attention, Learning and Remembering

What Are Cognitive Skills?  Cognitive skills are what your brain uses to think, read, learn, remember, reason, and pay attention. Cognitive skills work together to process new information, and then to understand, retain, and use that information. The cognitive skills are: Sustained attention, which lets you focus on one task for a long period of ...

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Autism and Brain Training

Until recently, April was designated as National Autism Awareness Month. Now, many of the bigger autism organizations refer to April as Autism Acceptance Month. Why? According to  Autism Society of America President and CEO Christopher Banks, acceptance is often one of the biggest barriers to finding and developing a strong support system. Another change that ...

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Brain Training for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum

There’s a reason that autism is described as being a spectrum. There are so many varied skills, needs, and experiences within this diagnosis. While it has its challenges, individuals with autism are set up to experience the world in a unique way—and supporting brain skills with brain training has helped many individuals with autism excel ...

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What are the underlying causes of a learning struggle?

If you, your child, or someone you love is struggling to learn you may wonder, what causes a learning struggle? We can tell you, it may not have anything to do with effort or intelligence. That’s because most learning struggles occur when one or more cognitive skills simply aren’t as strong as they could be. ...

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The Best Kinds of Questions to Ask Your Kids

Questions drive conversation. They open the door to learn from each other, explore new ways of thinking, resolve conflict, and more. But often, conversations with our kids go something like this: Mom: How was school today? Kid: Fine. Mom: Just fine? Why was it fine? Kid: Because. Sound familiar? These kinds of stop-and-go conversations often ...

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San Antonio Student Who Never Thought College Was Possible Earns Academic Scholarship

Never say never.  That’s the first lesson 18-year-old Maddie Brown learned recently.  Second, the Reagan High School student discovered that LearningRx brain training not only helps short-term with learning ability but can change the direction of a young life. MaddieBrown is proof. The high school senior who once struggled in school is now preparing to ...

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How Brain Training Has Helped Individuals with Autism

While we know autism brings its fair share of challenges, we truly believe in unlocking everyone’s greatest potential. Individuals with autism bring a unique approach to life, and supporting brain skills with brain training has been a huge help for many individuals on the autism spectrum. Please note: we do not diagnose autism spectrum disorder. ...

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What You Can Do if Your Child is Reading Below Grade Level

Is your child reading below grade-level? Do they still struggle with common, familiar words? Struggling with reading is super common, but the reality is your child isn’t just going to “grow out of” these problems. Watch this video where Dr. Amy Moore explains her research on individuals with dyslexia and reading struggles (and why early ...

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10 Crafts to Try for Spring (Easy Prep for Teachers) 

Regardless of the weather where you live, it’s officially spring! For teachers, that often means more time outside for recess, new buds, blossoms, birds, and bugs outside classroom windows, and the creative resurgence of spring-themed crafts!  We scoured the internet for the most vibrant, educational and cost-effective crafts for elementary school teachers to try with ...

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The Proof is in the Pudding…I Mean Research

More than likely you’ve watched, read, or heard a moving testimonial from one of the thousands of students/adults we have helped over the past 14 years. We love our testimonials and find them moving too, however, we also believe it’s important to provide research and data that confirms the efficacy of our training.  In the past ...

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