Brain Training Articles & News, Page 82

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

FAQs from Parents of Kids who Struggle with Reading

Lots of kids struggle with reading. In a time where we are still reeling from the effects of the pandemic and figuring out what a “new normal” is going to look like, young kids especially are facing the consequences of disrupted school years. More than 1 in 3 kids are needing remedial reading support in ...

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Ensuring your high schooler is ready for college

Is your high schooler ready for college? Learn more about strengthening their cognitive skills now to prepare them.

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New Research Shows How to Potentially Prevent Cognitive Decline

Alzheimers and dementia are debilitating conditions that have taken their toll on millions of us. So many people deal with these conditions first-hand, support family members through them, or deal with their effects in a different way. But what can you do to protect your brain health and prevent cognitive decline? Research is beginning to ...

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What Is the Summer Slide and How Can You Help Your Child Avoid It?

Summer vacation is an exciting time for kids: school’s out, the sun is shining, and there are endless hours of playtime with friends ahead! But, while play is certainly an important part of childhood, all of that freedom from school tasks can come at a cost.  When kids go back to school in the fall ...

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Summer Reading Hacks to Help Your Kids Have More Fun

With the break in school comes the expectation of summer reading. Some people love it, others don’t, but it is an important way to keep your child’s brain active and learning during the summer months. If your child is a more hesitant reader, continuing to read throughout the summer becomes even more important. Why Do ...

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Reading Doesn’t Have to Be Hard

Reading impacts every area of life, including academic subjects, career avenues, and beyond. Then why are almost 54% of U.S. adults 16-74 below a sixth-grade reading level?   There may be many factors behind why reading literacy is low amongst Americans, but these statistics help us understand how behind in reading many citizens are. At LearningRx, ...

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Local Shenandoah Valley Summer Reading Programs

Summer reading programs are a great way to build in an extra incentive to get your kids reading all summer long! With fun prizes and events happening all summer, here are some opportunities at our local libraries you can start signing up for now. Looking for some tips to make summer reading more fun for ...

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Concussion Recovery and Brain Training

Concussions happen daily, whether in sports, car accidents, day-to-day injuries, or other more serious situations. While the concussion recovery journey is different for everyone, there are some things you can do to help restore focus and memory! What are the Lasting Effects of Concussions? Often after a concussion, you hear that you will continue to ...

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How Brain Training is Different Than Tutoring for Struggling Students

If your child is performing below grade level in school, the natural first response is likely to hire a tutor. While this is the right course of action in some scenarios, the reality is that tutoring is not going to solve your child’s learning struggles.  What tutoring does is re-delivering information. But what if your ...

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The Difference Between Brain Training and Tutoring

 One of the most frequently asked questions we get when parents contact LearningRx is, “What’s the difference between brain training and tutoring?” The question comes from both parents who are considering tutoring and those who have tried it with little or no results. We understand! Certainly, no one wants to invest more time and money ...

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