Brain Training Articles & News, Page 83

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Today is International Day of Persons with Disabilities – Advocating for your student’s success

In 1992, the United National General Assembly proclaimed December 3 to be International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The annual observance: • promotes the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities of all spheres of society and development and • aims to increase awareness of the situation of persons with disabilities in every aspect of ...

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It’s National Special Education Day! Get the 411 on IEPs

Today is National Special Education Day, which commemorates the anniversary of our country’s first federal education law. When the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (originally known as the Education of Handicapped Children Act) was signed by President Ford on December 2, 1975, it made public education available to all eligible children with disabilities and ensured ...

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Give your child or teen “ninja” brain skills!

December 5 is International Ninja Day and LearningRx is celebrating the informal definition of the word: "a person who excels in a particular skill or activity." When families come to LearningRx, we often learn that the child or teen has had their confidence deflated by labels—some informally, some with an official diagnosis. These students (and their ...

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The Importance of Processing Speed: How Slow Processing Speed Affects Learning

Learn about the importance of processing speed in learning, academic and work performance, intellectual development, and reasoning, and how it can be improved. Our cognitive skills — including attention, memory, logic, reasoning, and auditory and visual processing — play an integral role in our ability to learn, read, memorize, and perform. These skills work together ...

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LearningRx Success Story: Sally’s long-term memory increased by 59 percentile points in just 12 weeks!

After 56-year-old Sally lost her father to Alzheimer’s disease, she started beginning to notice her own memory issues. She decided to invest in a one-on-one brain training program at LearningRx Charlottesville in Virginia to improve her memory and boost her confidence. Training reminded Sally that she is very smart and that she can easily handle ...

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10 Ideas to Keep Busy Families Organized

Running a household is hard work. But when you factor in jobs, helping with homework, chores, pets, errands, paying bills, and sports practices and games, it’s easy for families (read: MOM) to feel overwhelmed.  The following ideas can help you stay organized and on top of your juggling act: 1. Store your cleaning supplies in ...

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Our Top 5 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Brain Training

Determining if brain training is right for you or a loved one is a big decision — there are many factors involved in improving learning and comprehension skills. Over 35 years of research and development at LearningRx, we have gained significant insight into brain training, enabling us to create programs that target specific problems and ...

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Screen-Free Games and Toys That Boost Brain Skills: A Holiday Gift Guide

Make your list and check it twice with this holiday gift guide of toys that boost brain skills! Keep this list handy as you shop for your child this holiday season. Parents, as you’re making your holiday shopping list (and checking it twice) this year, don’t forget to include a few toys that will help ...

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How Strengthening Cognitive Skills Can Help…Even If Your Child is Already Smart!

As you’ve watched your child learn and grow, you’ve picked up on more than a few ways they’re intellectually ahead of their peers. You don’t want to brag except to Grandma and Grandpa, of course, but there’s no doubt in your mind: you’re raising one very smart child. Every once in a while you notice ...

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It’s National Buy Nothing Day!

Although much of America refers to the day after Thanksgiving as "Black Friday," a segment of the population prefers to celebrate it as National Buy Nothing Day. If you fall under the latter category, we’ve got four alternative “gifts” that will get your kids through life—not just the long Christmas break: 1. Responsibility. Coddling children does them ...

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