Brain Training Articles & News, Page 85

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

10 Affordable Gifts for Teacher Appreciation Week

This year, Teacher Appreciation Week is May 2-6 and if you’re looking for some unique ways to help demonstrate your appreciation for teachers, we’ve compiled a list of affordable gift ideas. 1. A Personalized Teacher Tote Order a tote bag with your teacher’s name on it and fill it with school supplies or snacks. $17.49 ...

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LearningRx Owner Shares the Power of Mindset with Taekwondo National Team

It was an honor for LearningRx Costa Mesa-Irvine’s owner Noha Marwan to be invited to coach Egypt’s Taekwondo National team as they prepare for their upcoming World competition in Korea! Noha’s talk entitled “The Power of Your Mind” was part of the team’s preparation. Mindset is everything when it comes to success in sports, the ...

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Memory and the Aging Brain: How Brain Training Improves Memory As You Age

Age-related memory loss is normal, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it. Brain training improves memory by strengthening core cognitive skills.

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What Do Diagnosis of ADHD, Dyslexia, ASD and TBI Have In Common?

“These labels do not define your loved one and LearningRx can help!” At LearningRx, we specialize in one-on-one cognitive training for all ages.  Although we do not diagnose, we work with many individuals who come to us with an existing diagnosis .  Our goal is to uncover the “learner beneath the label” as we leverage the principle ...

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Academic Support in Math, Reading, and Writing

 What would you do if your student had all A’s except for a D in history? Chances are, you’d try to get to the bottom of the issue.   Maybe they’re bored by the subject matter or the class is right after lunch and they’re falling asleep. Perhaps it’s the last class of the day and ...

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3 Ways to Help Your Teen Become More Confident

Helping your teen become more confident is an important role in this stage of parenting. As your “baby” gets ready to head off to college or the workplace, are they prepared to stand up to the stress and changes that are ahead? Are they confident enough to admit fault, learn from mistakes, and take steps ...

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9 Ways Learning Struggles May Manifest 

Like many parents, you may be wondering if your student is living up to their full potential. On one hand, you’ve witnessed your child’s intelligence, creativity, and wit over the years. But on the other hand, you’ve seen some struggles with grades, argued over unfinished (or unsubmitted) homework, and been to enough parent-teacher meetings to ...

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Optimize Learning with Joy!

When your child is learning a new skill, how do you maximize retention of information and minimize that feeling of defeat? It can become difficult, especially when hammering at those unfamiliar, but crucial tasks such as learning to read or memorizing multiplication tables. But don’t stress— there is help.         The first step is to shift ...

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Who Can Benefit from Brain Training?

There’s often a misconception that brain training is just for kids who struggle in school. But the reality is, virtually everyone can benefit from strengthening cognitive skills! Here are some ways brain training can help individuals in various stages of life: BRAIN TRAINING FOR PRESCHOOLERS/EARLY LEARNERS It’s never too early for kids to start building ...

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The Importance of High Fives in Personal Brain Training 

April 21 is National High Five Day, which was started in 2002 at the University of Virginia when a group of students on the main quad of the campus gave out high fives all day. The simple gesture is designed to encourage others, spread good vibes, and/or demonstrate positive feedback to indicate that a task ...

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