Brain Training Articles & News, Page 86

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

6 Tips for Homeschooling While You Work From Home

November 8 is National Parents as Teachers Day and with 2.6 million kids having switched to homeschooling since the pandemic began, the observance seems more relevant than ever. For many parents, being thrown into homeschooling without much preparation was tough enough. But consider, too, that many of those parents had to continue working from home ...

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Brain Training vs. Tutoring: Which is the Best Option for Your Family

If your child is struggling in school, the first option that comes to mind is probably hiring a tutor. After all, if your child is struggling with the content of the class, repetition is the key, right? Not necessarily. You see, a tutor is a great option for repeating information from missed classes, helping students ...

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Why STEM changed to STEAM (and what it means for your student)

National STEM/STEAM Day is coming up (November 8) and there’s no need to be embarrassed if you don’t know what the acronyms stand for. Often referred to as S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), the addition of the A was to include “Arts.” Part of the shift came from the realization that a big part ...

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LearningRx Success Story: From struggling student to improved reading, attention, memory and grades

When Aaron’s family enrolled him at LearningRx Costa Mesa-Irvine, he was struggling with his grades and reading was a nightmare. Although an initial Brain Skills Assessment showed that some of his cognitive skills were strong, his long-term memory and auditory processing were weak. Aaron struggled to focus on reading, writing and following verbal instructions. But ...

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Supporting adopted children with learning disabilities

November is National Adoption Month and while the general purpose of the celebration is to raise awareness about the need for adoptive families for children and youth in foster care, it’s also an apropos time to express ways to support adopted children with learning disabilities. A research brief published on the “Institute for Family Studies” found ...

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What Does Research Say About Working Memory and Reading Struggles?

When looking at the impact of working memory (WM) on reading, the research is direct. The key role WM has on reading performance is because tasks entail using both information processing and storage synchronously (Bergman Nutley & Söderqvist, 2017). Think of it as if someone wanted to understand the text, she must first visually process ...

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LearningRx Savage on Twin Cities Live

Here’s a segment with TCL Reporter Kelli Hanson interviewing LearningRx Save Executive Director Rich Frieder in the studio about red flags that your student might need academic assistance.

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Dr. Amy Moore on Susan Scollen’s podcast

LearningRx Cognitive Psychologist Dr. Amy Moore appeared on Susan Scollen’s podcast to discuss training our brains.

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LearningRx San Antonio NW on Digital Journal

This piece about LearningRx San Antonio Northwest offering free brain skills assessments and consultations to military families for Veterans Day ran on Digital Journal.

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LearningRx San Antonio NW on WRDE Coast TV

This piece about LearningRx San Antonio Northwest offering free brain skills assessments and consultations to military families for Veterans Day ran on WRDE Coast TV’s website.

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