Brain Training Articles & News, Page 87

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

5 Tips to Practice Being Grateful for National Gratitude Month

November is National Gratitude Month and because countless studies have shown that adopting a mindset of gratitude not only helps your mental health, but also provides lasting benefits to the brain, we’ve gathered some tips to help you practice being grateful. You’ve got nothing to lose—and happiness to gain! 1. Choose your words carefully. Focusing ...

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LearningRx San Antonio NW on WRDE Coast TV

This piece about LearningRx San Antonio Northwest offering free brain skills assessments and consultations to military families for Veterans Day ran on WRDE Coast TV’s website.

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LearningRx San Antonio NW on Digital Journal

This piece about LearningRx San Antonio Northwest offering free brain skills assessments and consultations to military families for Veterans Day ran on Digital Journal.

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Dr. Amy Moore on “The No BS Mama”

Dr. Amy Moore, a cognitive psychologist with LearningRx, appeared on “The No BS Mama” to discuss personal brain training.

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Dr. Amy Moore on Susan Scollen’s podcast

LearningRx Cognitive Psychologist Dr. Amy Moore appeared on Susan Scollen’s podcast to discuss training our brains.

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Dr. Amy presenting at TEDx event

On October 9, LearningRx’s Dr. Amy Lawson Moore, a cognitive psychologist, spoke about personal brain training for the theme “NEXT” at TEDx West Monroe.

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LearningRx San Antonio NW on Small Business Trendsetters

This piece about LearningRx San Antonio Northwest offering free brain skills assessments and consultations to military families for Veterans Day ran in Small Business Trendsetters.

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LearningRx in Healthline article on ADHD brain training

This feature in Healthline mentions LearningRx as a resource for the piece, “ADHD Brain Training: Can ‘Exercising’ Your Brain Help with Attention and Focus?”

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LearningRx CEO Kim Hanson on Social Geek Radio

Here’s LearningRx CEO Kim Hanson appearing on Social Geek Radio with host Jack Monson to discuss “The Culture of Franchising.”

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LearningRx Savage on Twin Cities Live

Here’s a segment with TCL Reporter Kelli Hanson interviewing LearningRx Save Executive Director Rich Frieder in the studio about red flags that your student might need academic assistance.

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