Brain Training Articles & News, Page 89

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

7 Strategies for Improving Executive Functioning Skills

You might not realize it but you tap into your executive functioning skills every day. Executive functioning skills are at work when you create a plan of attack for your workday and when you roll with unexpected events that come up. They’re exercised when you figure out how you’re going to get your kids to ...

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You Can’t Teach an Old Dog New Tricks…or Can You? Boosting Cognitive Skills in Adults

Boosting cognitive skills in adults can increase efficiency and productivity at work, improve memory, and aid in learning new things, among other benefits.

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4 Truths about the Teen Brain

There’s a lot to understand about the teen brain, which has been shown to have some significant differences compared to the brains of children and adults. But for the sake of simplicity, let’s start with some simple truths that focus on learning struggles during this critical stage of development.   Truth #1: Even smart teens can ...

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Getting to the Root Cause of Attention Issues!

When students struggle with attention issues (or ADHD) it often undermines their abilities and mutes how intelligent they are.  That’s because attention is the gateway to engaging key skills like logic and reasoning, which is a very strong skill for many students who struggle with attention and focus issues.   So why do some students struggle with ...

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The Cognitive Skills Essential for Reading Comprehension

Which Cognitive Skills Affect Reading Comprehension? Reading is made of two main skills – reading the individual words and understanding the message the words convey. Successful reading comprehension requires students to be able to complete both halves of the task, which takes multiple cognitive skills.  To successfully read individual words, students need to have strong ...

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Why Auditory Processing Matters for Reading

Learning to read is a complex task. And even for adults, reading comprehension continues to be essential in virtually every career field. So why is it that so many people of all ages struggle with reading? The most significant reason for reading problems is not a poor memory or “slowness,” instead, it’s weak auditory processing ...

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Resources for Celebrating Brain Awareness Week 

In 2022, Brain Awareness Week will take place March 14-20. The global campaign is designed to foster public enthusiasm and support for brain science.  Each year, partners host imaginative activities in their communities that share the wonders of the brain and the impact brain science has on our everyday lives. Participating institutions and organizations include ...

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How Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) Impact the Brain

How a TBI impacts Cognitive Skills  Our brain uses a set of core skills to think, learn, read, reason, remember, and pay attention. These cognitive skills include auditory and visual processing, memory, logic & reasoning, attention, and processing speed. When damaged neurons lose their ability to send information to one another because of a traumatic brain ...

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5 Ways Slow Processing Speed Impacts Learning

Processing speed is a critical cognitive skill that determines how quickly and efficiently your brain is able to take in and manipulate information. Slow processing speed has a direct impact on every single other tool your brain uses to think, learn, and remember. Other skills like attention, logic & reasoning, memory, auditory processing, and visual ...

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Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery: How Brain Training Helps

Many victims of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) experience changes in cognitive performance, leaving victims and their families struggling with what to do next. While LearningRx doesn’t diagnose or treat TBI, our programs have aided the cognitive performance of clients with many diagnoses, including traumatic brain injury recovery. What is a Traumatic Brain Injury? TBIs happen in ...

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