Brain Training Articles & News, Page 90

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

What Is the Difference Between ADD and ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurological condition that results in a variety of symptoms involving attention, impulse control, and hyperactivity. The group of symptoms and behaviors caused by ADHD have been recognized as far back as 1902, though the name for the disorder has changed over time. In their most recent national survey ...

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Could My Child Have a Learning Disability? 15 Signs to Watch For

Learning disabilities (also called learning disorders) are common — it’s estimated that 8-10% of children under 18 in the U.S. may have some kind of learning disability. Children with learning disorders can have difficulty reading, writing, or doing simple math, and may struggle with auditory or visual processing. Many children struggle in school long before ...

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LearningRx – What Do We Actually Do??

We love brain training and the difference we can make in child or adult’s life. But what do we actually do at LearningRx? How are we different than other learning centers? The biggest difference is that LearningRx is not a tutoring center. There are many learning centers that focus on tutoring, and this is also ...

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Take your free brain quiz!

Would you like to get a snapshot of your cognitive skills (or those of someone you love)?LearningRx’s FREE brain quiz will show you the strengths (and weaknesses) of your cognitive skills as compared to your peers. Weaknesses in auditory processing, memory, and attention skills can often go unnoticed for years, as we develop coping mechanisms ...

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Brain-boosting pumpkin recipes

Few things represent fall like the pumpkin but its benefits go far behind seasonal decor! Consuming pumpkin and its seeds have several health benefits, including: • Pumpkin and pumpkin seeds are rich in fiber, which promotes a healthy gut. Healthy guts have been linked to better brain health. • Pumpkin seeds help burn fat. • ...

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How Learning Disabilities Can Look Different in Boys and Girls

Identifying learning disabilities can be difficult. One thing that makes this difficult is that they often manifest differently in boys than they do in girls. As a parent, knowing what signs to look for makes identification easier and allows your child to get the interventions they need to succeed in school and beyond. Consider this ...

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LearningRx answers FAQs on National Train Your Brain Day

October 13 is Train Your Brain Day and LearningRx (, the largest personal brain training company in the world, is sharing answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on the topic. • What is personal brain training? Unlike tutoring, which redelivers academic material (e.g., historical facts or math formulas), personal brain training targets ...

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LearningRx Launches the Learner Beneath the Labels Campaign

LearningRx, based in Colorado Springs, Colorado, launches the “Rediscover the Learner Beneath the Labels” marketing campaign. After more than a year of disrupted learning for students, LearningRx is leaning into the “labels” students may be feeling. Labels like “slow,” “distracted,” and “behind.” LearningRx wants to help students change these labels through tailored brain training. While ...

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My Child Was Diagnosed With ADHD — Now What?

In their most recent national survey of children’s health, the CDC estimated that 9.4% of children and teens in the United States have been diagnosed with ADHD. If your child is one of them, you may be wondering what the diagnosis means for your child, for you, and for your family, and where to begin ...

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5 Teen fiction books to get your student in that fall feeling

If you’re an avid reader, you know there’s nothing like curling up with a good book, a blanket, and a cup of tea on a crisp fall day. We’ve checked with Brightly, whose tagline "Raise Kids Who Love to Read" aligns with LearningRx’s mission to help kids, teens and adults live up to their fullest ...

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