Brain Training Articles & News, Page 95

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

4 Practical Ways You Can Help Ease Your Child’s Back-to-School Anxiety

Back-to-school jitters are perfectly normal and after a school year that was anything but normal, they are almost certain to creep in again this fall. As parents, we can feel helpless when our kids express apprehension or anxiety about school but there are some powerful ways we can support our children during this transition.

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Why confidence is so important to LearningRx clients’ success

At LearningRx, a boost in confidence isn’t just something we enjoy seeing in our clients; it’s probably the most commonly used term we hear when our graduates (or their parents) discuss results. In fact, a quick search for the word “confidence” in our posted testimonials turns up countless results. But don’t mistake the boost in confidence for ...

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The Well-Being Check-In: Emotional/Social Health

Most students are a few weeks into the school year, making this an opportune time for parents to check in on their children’s and teen’s emotional and social well-being. LearningRx, the world’s largest personal brain training company, has put together a simple guide to help parents better understand what’s working (and what’s not) now that ...

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Back to School Concerns?

COVID-19 has majorly impacted everyone and kids perhaps more than anyone. Full or part-time distance learning, canceled or restricted sports and activities, less social interaction, family financial struggles, fear of the virus…the list goes on. It’s important to recognize that kids’ worlds were turned upside down overnight and most are still dealing with the effects ...

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Back to School Concerns?

To read the full story, click HERE.

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Spotting Weak Cognitive Skills: Signs to Look For

Everything we do in terms of thinking, reading, learning, remembering, reasoning and paying attention requires us to tap into our cognitive skills. According to French psychologist, Jean Piaget, children develop these important skills right from birth and throughout their teenage years in what he calls the “4 Stages of Cognitive Development.” However, for a variety ...

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A physician shares his experience of personal brain training

When Dr. Samuel Caughron enrolled in LearningRx, the 73-year-old physician was concerned about memory loss and brain fatigue caused by aging. The Charlottesville resident was hopeful that one-on-one brain training could help him maintain his mental sharpness with his patient population.  Six months later, he was already experiencing improved memory, and increased ability to recall ...

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3 Tips for finding the right after-school activity for your student

Choosing an after-school activity for your child or teen can feel overwhelming. And while logistical factors—such as budget, availability, and transportation—will certainly need to come into play, it’s vital that you first assess your child’s interests, strengths and weakness, and hopes. Here are some considerations to help you find the right after-school activity for your ...

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6 Benefits of Reading for National Read a Book Day

September 6 is National Read a Book Day and it feels like the perfect time to share 6 benefits of reading! 1. Reading books may help you live longer. A study at Yale University School of Public Health found that American adults 50 and over increased their survival by up to 23% just by reading ...

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Can you outgrow ADHD?

Many parents incorrectly assume that a child or teen with ADHD will simply outgrow it. Although some children who exhibit hyperactivity may no longer display it in adulthood, that doesn’t mean they’ve outgrown their attention struggles. As CHADD explains: “Even those adults who are no longer displaying ADHD symptoms are still experiencing the brain differences ...

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