LearningRx Milwaukee - Brookfield News

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Brain Training to Build Reading Skills

When reading difficulty rears its ugly head, students and families may reach for a coupledifferent interventions. They may try tutoring, afterschool programs, or learning strategies to livewith these struggles. But what if a reading struggle is just a sign of something more going on? That is a question we at LearningRx Milwaukee-Brookfield have sought answers ...

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Promoting Internet Safety for Kids

Being a parent in the time of the internet, you may feel like Hercules fighting theHydra— you can duck and swing, but even if you cut off one head, two more grow back in aninstant. It’s a noble fight, one that you have the dedication for, but it can grow tiring. You don’thave to keep ...

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An Autistic Friendly Christmas

It’s almost Christmas— one of the most highly anticipated times of the year. It’s time for food, family, and all-around cheerful festivities, but sometimes those cheerful festivities can get to be a bit overwhelming. Here are some tips on how you and your Autistic child can manage the holidays with ease! Bibliography Rudy, Lisa Jo. ...

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Holiday Letter Writing, and why it’s fun!

At last, it’s the holiday season! After a long 11 months of the turbulent 2022, we’re finally encroaching upon the most exciting occasion of this time of year—              Letter Writing Day! We’ve reached Letter Writing Day, the day designed to honor the tradition of written correspondence to your dearest loved ones. Okay, it may ...

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What to do after Parent/Teacher Conferences

We’re already halfway through the first semester of the school year, which means thatparent-teacher conferences are coming to a close. As a parent, you might be wondering: howdo I use what I took away from the conference to encourage a positive future for my child? Well,with the help of Colorín Colorado’s article “Tips For Successful ...

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A Guide to Starting Off the School Year Right!

We can all feel it—the rapid acceleration of the school year. The end to what was probably a welcome break from the stress and challenge of academia. Hopefully, your brain has had time to rest from all that constant exercise! But how do you get it ready to get back in the groove of things ...

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Optimize Learning with Joy!

When your child is learning a new skill, how do you maximize retention of information and minimize that feeling of defeat? It can become difficult, especially when hammering at those unfamiliar, but crucial tasks such as learning to read or memorizing multiplication tables. But don’t stress— there is help.         The first step is to shift ...

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Parent Teacher Conferences leave you frustrated? What you’ve heard and what you can do

Most parent and teacher conferences have wrapped up and the experience often leaves both educators and parents frustrated. Have you been part of a conversation where a version of the following phrase has come up: “I know they are smart, but…” Their work doesn’t show it It’s just not coming out They are just making ...

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Did you ever wonder what the best students do to get great grades?

Following are the key study habits that we see the top students do consistently in order to be a high achieving student. 1. Don’t attempt to cram all your studying into one session. Ever find yourself up late at night expending more energy trying to keep your eyelids open than you are studying? If so, ...

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How to set your child up for success in the coming school year!

Worried about organization and memory issues going into the school year? These tips may help: Organization is a major key to educational success. As a parent, one of your most important roles when it comes to facilitating your child’s education is helping them come up with a system for staying organized. This year, getting organized ...

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