Brain Training Articles & News, Page 122

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Boost learning by resting between short practice sessions

Whether your child is learning to play piano or studying for an exam, there’s new research saying there’s a better way to practice to supercharge the  skill. A team of scientists published the results of their study on improving learning in the journal "Cell Reports." They found that, compared to the same total amount of practice ...

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Why physical activity helps preteen brains stay fit

Regular physical activity isn’t just good for a preteen’s body. It’s also good for their brain! A new study from Boston Children’s Hospital has found that any kind of physical activity—not just intense, structured exercise routines—help organize children’s developing brains. Why the preteen years specifically? According to the lead researcher, Dr. Caterina Stamoulis, “The preteen ...

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The Skills Your Student Needs to Live up to Their Learning Potential

You already know your student is intelligent. But maybe this past year’s performance doesn’t seem to measure up to what you know to be their potential. You’re not alone! The good news is, no matter how your student fared this last year, there’s a set of skills they can strengthen this summer to make learning ...

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Reading for fun improves verbal abilities

Keep enjoying that Harry Potter saga. Or that beachy historical romance. Or the “Twilight” series you stole from your teen daughter. A Concordia University study has found that the more people read ANY kind of fiction, the better their language skills are likely to be. In fact, people who self-identified as a “reader” and said ...

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Did you know that physical activity helps improve the brain?

Getting outside in the summer for outdoor activities, especially rigorous physical activity, is not only fun but great for your brain. It helps improve memory, executive function, and overall cognitive performance. In 2019 there was a study published in the Journal, Scientific Reports, which was conducted by Dr. Jonathan Repple from the University Hospital Muenster, ...

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This one sleep habit is an early predictor of cognitive decline

If you’re not getting good quality (or quantity!) sleep, you can probably tell. The physical and mental health issues can present in some obvious symptoms: slow processing speed, daytime sleepiness, forgetfulness, clumsiness and more. Sometimes, it’s simply a one-off incident: a later-than-usual night with Netflix, a change to the night shift at work, or a ...

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The best foods for kids’ brain development

Almost everyone knows that a steady diet of greasy fast food and Twinkies probably isn’t the best option to aid in the development of children’s brains. But do you know which foods contain the most crucial nutrients for early brain development? Yes, some foods rank much higher than others when it comes to boosting concentration, ...

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New study confirms cognitive exercises boost math skills in young kids

If you struggled in math and worry your child will follow in your footsteps, take note: there’s yet another piece of evidence showing anyone can be good at math! A new large study published in the journal “Nature Human Behaviour” has found that young children who practice visual working memory and reasoning tasks improve their math ...

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Tutoring or One-on-One Brain Training; Determining What Your Smart Kid Needs This Summer

You probably already know this, but it might help to hear it from experts: Just because your kid didn’t perform as well this past school year doesn’t mean they’re not smart. There were extenuating circumstances that made this a rough year for almost all kids! From hybrid learning and online schooling to teacher turnover and ...

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The Best Types of Exercises for ADHD, Depression & Anxiety

According to neuroscientist and author of "Biohack Your Brain" Kristen Willeumier, some types of exercise may help more than others when it comes to ADHD, depression and anxiety. Here’s a quick summary of her suggestions, as well as a link to the recent article: For ADHD: High-intensity interval training For depression: Sustained aerobic activity for ...

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