Brain Training Articles & News, Page 168

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

LearningRx Warren Highlighted for National Autism Awareness Month

TAP Into featured LearningRx Warren’s offer for a free cognitive skills assessment for National Autism Awareness Month.

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LearningRx Warren in Tap Into Berkley-Heights | Brain Training Center

LearningRx Warren had an article published in Tap Into Berkley-Heights about at-home cognitive skills assessments.

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Letter from LearningRx CEO featured on WFMZ-TV site

A letter to parents and teachers from Kim Hanson, CEO of LearningRx, was featured on the WFMZ-TV Channel 69 news website.

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Letter from LearningRx CEO on Yahoo! Finance

A letter from LearningRx CEO Kim Hanson thanking parents and teachers appeared on Yahoo! Finance.

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Retired Fighter Trains His Brain with LearningRx

Here is Kim Hanson, CEO of LearningRx, doing “Train Your Brain Tuesday” with a retired fighter pilot.

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7 Secrets to Engaged Online Learning for Students with ADHD; Tip #5

Continuing our series from ADDitude Magazine’s tips on how to help your child with ADHD stay motivated to finish school work during distance learning, we’re sharing Tip #5: Tap into the visual power of timers. Timers are especially effective with students with ADHD because they provide a visual reminder that there is a finishing point for the ...

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Smart Mom’s Toy Box: 11 Spring Brain Games

1. Anomia Anomia: [uh-NO-mee-uh] – Noun – 1) A problem with word finding or recall. 2) Chaos. 3) The game where common knowledge becomes uncommonly fun! Anomia plays off the fact that our minds are positively brimming with all sorts of random information: things to eat, pop songs, websites, etc. Sure, under normal circumstances, it’s ...

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Brain Food: Rhubarb 3 Ways

Spring is finally here and with it, the return of springtime superfoods! Rhubarb is one of these delightful foods, and has a lot of uses (besides just pie). Rhubarb is rich in antioxidants, has been shown to fight cancer, and is high in vitamins K and C. It’s an all-around super vegetable (that’s right! It’s ...

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I’ll Never be Good Enough and Other Lies I Tell Myself

Never before has self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence been so low. Many generations are feeling it, but none like our teenagers. I’m not just talking about the recent world situation and “stay at home” orders, this decline has been happening for years. The advent of social media, increased celebrity worship, and constant social comparison is taking ...

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Train Your Brain Tuesday! Episode #6

It’s Train Your Brain Tuesday and LearningRx CEO Kim Hanson is back, demonstrating brain training games to a virtual classroom of 5th and 6th graders. Join Kim and these students as they boost their brains with these free activities that strengthen processing speed, attention, virtual processing and working and long-term memory. Before you get started, ...

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