Brain Training Articles & News, Page 175

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

What Is S-RCD (Specific Reading Comprehension Deficits)?

            There’s a lot of research on dyslexia, which simply means “trouble with words.” But there’s not as much about S-RCD, or Specific Reading Comprehension Deficits. Where dyslexia is about reading the words, S-RCD is about understanding them. It’s like being able to read a foreign language – because you know how the words are ...

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Praise for Behavior Boosts Learning More Than Punishment

Do you have a student who always seems to be in trouble for bad behavior in the classroom? A new study has found that rather than punishing them for being disruptive, praise seems to provide better results—especially with learning. Research on 2,536 students K-6 by the Taylor & Francis Group found that that kids focused ...

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List of Common Games and the Brain Skills They Boost

Did you know that the electronic game Simon boosts auditory and visual processing, attention, memory and processing speed? Or that Battleship helps work on logic and reasoning, problem solving and planning? If you’re curious about which brain skills other common games help boost, check out our extensive 3-page free downloadable "Games for Skills" chart:

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College Concussions More Prevalent Off the Field

As much as we’d like to wrap our kids in bubble wrap before sending them off to college, we can’t. And a new study shows that college sports aren’t the only place students get concussions. Research from the University of Colorado at Boulder found that about 1 in 5 college students sustains a concussion each ...

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Three Common Learning Disabilities (And Clues Your Child Has Been Trying to Work Around Them!)

The term “learning disability” can strike a chord of panic in parents. “But my child is smart! How can she have a learning disability?” is a common reaction. And the reality is, they’re right! The majority of kids and teens (and adults!) with learning disabilities are intelligent—even geniuses! Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, ...

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Smart Mom’s Toy Box: 10 Games for the End of Summer

Nationally renowned brain training experts Ken Gibson and Tanya Mitchell have created a free list to help parents shop for toys, games, and brain activities that will help improve their children’s learning skills. “Our hope is that parents will shop wisely for toys this year, purchasing toys that can help develop the cognitive skills that ...

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10 Cool Math Facts and Tricks

The word “dyscalculia” sounds fancy but it really just serves as a broad term for learning difficulties in math. The good news is that dyscalculia is often due to poor visual processing and memory skills, which means we can address the root cause of math struggles by strengthening those skills with cognitive skills training (a.k.a. “personal ...

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Tips to Strengthen Reading Comprehension at Home

There are lots of things you can do at home to help strengthen your child’s reading comprehension – even before they’re old enough to read! For younger children that you’ll be reading to, start by choosing a book that’s age appropriate. Anything too advanced may come across as boring or confusing. You want to hold ...

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Brain Food: Brussels and Burrata Pizza

Many moms try to load up on folic acid before getting pregnant because of the many benefits it brings to baby. But a recent study found that dads-to-be should be loading up on folic acid, too. And here’s a tasty way to do it. Make Brussels and Burrata Pizza. Brussels and Burrata Pizza Photo and Recipe courtesy ...

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13 FREE (or Nearly Free) Family Activities While Social Distancing

Social distancing doesn’t mean you have to stay in your basement 24/7. There are plenty of activities your family can do to stay occupied without compromising fun! Just check out this list of ideas from LearningRx (, the world’s largest personal brain training company. 1. Geocaching. Got a smartphone? Then you’ve already got everything you ...

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