Brain Training Articles & News, Page 181

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

LearningRx story featured on WRCB Channel 3 | Cognitive Training Programs

This article about the biggest brain-related stories of 2019, written byLearningRx, was featured on WRCBtv’s website:

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Register for the 2020 Brain Health Summit!

The 2020 Brain Health Online Summit brings together 20 of the brightest minds in the brain health community—including Dr. Amy Moore of the Gibson Institute of Cognitive Research—throughout the month of March! Register now for free to hear leading healthcare professionals, brain injury survivors and advocates who will share real-world experience, strategies and clinical applications ...

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His Confidence Increased Exponentially

Learning had always been fun for Alex when it came to things he loved, but when it came to things he thought were “boring”, the learning became harder and more frustrating. After overcoming a slower educational start due to environmental factors, Alex played catch up for most of his first few years of elementary school. ...

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Sleep duration forecasts ADHD for school-aged children

Researchers from Norway have found that how much a child sleeps may accurately predict whether they will have psychiatric disorder later in life including ADHD. The study followed children who were 6, 8, 10 and 12. The link was statistically significant with boys compared to girls at ages 8 and 10. Find out more about ...

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Can Comic Books Improve Brain Function?

Next time your kid picks up a comic book, don’t be so quick to assume it’s a waste of time. Because comics use both images, words, sound effects, color, spatial layouts, panel composition and more, researchers say these multimodal cues can stimulate similar processes to the human brain mapping the world around it. Thanks to ...

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Why Your Brain Wants You to Watch That Belly Fat

Need some extra motivation to whittle that waistline? A study out of Iowa State University found that fluid intelligence tended to decrease with age in people with more abdominal fat. The study, which was done on thousands of middle-aged and older people, found that more body fat and less muscle mass negatively affected changes in ...

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“My Child Just Needs to Try Harder!”

One of the most common assumptions as to why a child struggles is that he is not trying as hard as he should be. When I meet with families a common assumption is, “My child can do it, he just needs apply himself or put forth more effort.” That can be true, but there are ...

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Can drumming make your brain more efficient?

Go ahead and get your kid that noisy drum set! New research has found that drummers modify the way the left and right sides of their brain communicate. The scientists found that the “cabling” that crosses hemispheres is significantly different for musicians vs. their non-musician counterparts. Find out what the researchers found regarding drumming and ...

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LearningRx gave our daughter a I can, no quit attitude

Like so many students, Paulina’s struggle with attention, learning, and reading carried on year after year, throughout Elementary school. While her receiving a diagnosis of Dyslexia and a Learning Disability, gave her parents Tony and Lizbeth some answers, they struggled to find a solution. Event though she had amazing teachers and support, accommodations and modifications ...

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Name All U.S. Presidents and You Could Win a Gift Card!

Our national Presidents Day Video Contest is underway, and your child or teen could win one of THREE Amazon gift cards valued at up to $100! Create a video reciting the last names of all U.S. Presidents by memory (complete with distractions & multitasking if you can!), and post on your social media account. Make sure you ...

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