Brain Training Articles & News, Page 256

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Want a Better Memory? Do These Three Things (And Don’t Do These)

Your memory is powered by core brain skills, also known as cognitive skills. But your brain isn’t exactly the Lone Ranger. It can’t function by itself (or even with a single trusted friend named Tonto). Instead, your brain depends on myriad systems in your body (and the health of those systems) in order to do ...

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You Created Some Great Holiday Memories. Now Hang Onto Them.

With Thanksgiving and Christmas behind us, you probably had the chance to hang out with friends and family, creating warm, festive memories. Now all you have to do is remember them. As we age, memory can weaken. The good news is that memory skills are not “fixed.” You can improve and strengthen your ability to ...

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Seeing Red? How This Favorite Holiday Color Impacts Your Brain

During the holidays, the color red is everywhere we look, from bulbs and bows to Santa’s trademark threads. What impact does this favorite holiday hue have on your brain? For starters, studies show that the color red increases appetite (no wonder holiday goodies are so hard to resist!). Also, when people are exposed to the ...

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Is Your Brain Making You Spend Too Much This Christmas?

Three Simple Tips to Avoid Impulse Spending and Stay within Your Holiday Budget The holidays are here, which for most of us means spending time shopping in malls or online looking for gifts for loved ones (and even for ourselves!). It also means trying to keep from spending too much money. Apparently whether we stay ...

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Brain Health – LearningRx, Inc. | LearningRx Blog

If a “healthier brain” is on your holiday wish list, you’rein luck. That’s because cranberries–a staple at most holidayfeasts–are actually good for your brain. Studies show that cranberries protect brain cells from free-radical damagethat impairs cognitive and motor functions. According to an article in Psychology Today by Hara Estroff Marano, “Aging animals givencranberries showed actual ...

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Do You Travel a lot? Take a Couple of Naps and Call LearningRx in the Morning

Chronic jet lag shrinks your brain, making learning and remembering more difficult for up to a month after you return home! So says a team of psychologists from the University of California, Berkeley. The researchers based their findings on a four week study of jet-lagged hamsters. The psychologists weren’t surprised to discover that the hamsters ...

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Did you see The Biggest Loser last week? We are that “Brain Training Company”!

When Phil and Amy Parham’s three-year-old son Rhett was diagnosed with autism, they pursued a variety of therapies for six years. Amy says, “Some helped and some didn’t.” Today, Amy says, Rhett is reading, doing math, and is participating in “regular” classes–thanks to brain training provided by LearningRx. The turnaround in Rhett’s struggle with autism ...

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Smart Mom’s Toy Box: November 2010

Smart Mom’s Toy Box: Good Old Fashioned Family Fun Games During the holidays, family and friends often gather to play games overa piece of pumpkin pie or munch on cute Christmas cookies. Remember gamesyou used to play as a kid? Maybe it was Scrabble or Uno or Chess. Perhapsyou don’t remember the specifics, but it ...

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Need to improve your concentration skills? Try F.O.C.U.S.

Good concentration and focus are prescriptions for a successful life. Theyare also the result of active and successful attention skills. Strong,efficient attention skills enable us to concentrate intently on a problemor task while sorting out unimportant information and ignoring distractions.In an article by author Sam Horn, he suggests a helpful acronym for FOCUSthat offers 5 ...

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The Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary online defines dyscalculia as, “impairment of mathematical ability due to an organic condition of the brain”. Talk about definition that leaves you cold! How many kids (and adults for that matter) struggle with math these days? While this ponderous definition isn’t the answer by itself, it may actually contain a key ...

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