Brain Training Articles & News, Page 75

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Student of the Year Finalists

Three students reached the top for the Student of the Year nominations. LearningRx’s annual Student of the Year winner is selected from centers across the country. This year, it was a tight vote by the Home Office staff to select our top three and our Student of the Year winner. Meet our finalists. Student of ...

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Top Signs Your Child Needs Brain Training

If your child struggles this school year, you may be looking into options for ways to help them catch up (or even get ahead). While tutoring can be helpful in certain situations, for many struggling learners, brain training is what is truly going to help them bridge the gap to become successful! Here are some ...

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25 Questions to Ask Your Child About Their Day

For many parents, the older your children get, the less they want to discuss their day. By the time they’re teens, asking “How was your day?” on the ride home from school or at the dinner table might be met with a shrug and the ever-popular “Fine.” But engaging your child in conversation can provide ...

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Study Skills and Habits for All Ages

Being smart isn’t always enough to help kids succeed in school. Sometimes academic struggles are indicative of an underlying learning struggle. (Yes, even smart kids can have one or more weak cognitive skills that keep them from living up to their full potential.) If you’ve already confirmed through a cognitive skills assessment that your child ...

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Working Memory & Learning Struggles

Working memory is one of the primary skills that determines the way your brain interacts with the world around you. It’s like your “mental bucket” that holds onto information long enough to determine what happens next, whether that is further processing, an action, or storing it in memory.  For many kids who struggle in school, ...

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From Time Management to Sleep and Nutrition, 7 Tips for a Better School Year 

The new school year is upon us, and for most families that means big changes to their day-to-day schedule. Kids will be in school all day, head to sports or other extracurricular activities afterward, then hit the books in the evening to get their homework done. This is a big shift from the laid-back days ...

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The Science of Reading & What It’s Missing

The way kids learn to read has been debated for decades. There’s been a “reading war” happening in schools and research centers. The outcome is a long string of reading struggles that put kids behind where they should be. As research converges on THE best way to teach reading, the hope is that more and ...

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Brain Training for Seniors

Do you know a senior adult who’s looking to boost their cognitive performance? Check out our latest blog about LearningRx’s personal brain training programs and find out how our graduates have made significant gains in working memory, long-term memory and attention.

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What Makes Kids Mentally Strong?

Mentally strong kids are confident in their own worth and value and are not as easily swayed by peer pressure, hard circumstances, or failures. Instead of succumbing to negative thoughts, mentally strong kids are resilient and able to see the big picture of what really matters. Raising mentally strong kids can seem daunting. Different personalities, ...

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Tips to Stay Focused with ADHD

Trying to stay focused with ADHD can feel impossible. Your brain has hundreds of “tabs” open, you are resistant to overwhelming tasks, and every day productivity can feel way too daunting Before you give up hoping that you or your child will ever be able to complete a task in one sitting, try some of ...

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