Brain Training Articles & News, Page 83

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Robbed of Reading: How Our Kids Have Been Left Behind

Was your child in pre-K through 3rd grade when the pandemic began in 2020? If so, they are likely one of the millions of elementary students who now need intensive reading help. Research shows ⅓ of ALL elementary age kids in the US now need some sort of remedial reading intervention. An entire generation of ...

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Brain Exercise is Just As Important As Physical Exercise

You exercise your body to prevent illness, stay strong, and be able to keep up with your day-to-day life. In the same way, exercising your brain is a critical part of longevity and health at any age! Brain exercise can take a lot of different forms, but the important part is that you’re learning new ...

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Defining Brain Training 

The term brain training now covers a wide array of systems, apps, games, and programs. So what is brain training? At LearningRx we define brain training as a targetted approach that strengthens the brain’s core thinking skills. These include skills like memory, attention span, and how quickly you think. Brain training can also build fundamental ...

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3 Ways to Make Summer Reading More Fun

You love it or you hate it; but no matter your feelings on it, summer reading is coming! Whether through your school or library (or your own creation), keeping your child reading through the summer months is a great way to keep their brain working and growing without the structure of school. Looking for more ...

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“Is It Too Late for My Child to Catch Up?” How to Help Kids who are Below Grade Level

This is a question we hear often, especially after the disruption the last 2+ years have caused for kids in school. Many kids are registering as being “below grade level” in subjects like math and reading, and the stress of trying to keep up has taken its toll on kids and parents alike.  It’s easy ...

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Why Try Personal Brain Training First 

If you’ve spent money on brain games, brain training apps, or tutoring, you’re probably curious about how personal brain training is different.  Here are a few examples of how we know brain-boosting options work and why you should try brain training first. Brain Games and Brain Training Apps  While brain games and brain training apps are ...

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Brain Training: The Best Investment in Your Child’s Future

As parents, we’d do anything for our children. Braces. Summer camps. Travel sports. Music lessons. These things fill our schedules, and some would even call them rites of passage. But when it comes to investing in your child, what if you could sign them up for a program that would make learning easier, reading more ...

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Student Goes from Being Below Grade Level to Confident and Successful in School

If your child is working below grade level, there is a good chance they are feeling overly burdened and stressed by the pressure that is placed on them to “catch up.” For Jackson, a local student who has completed a training program at LearningRx, every school day was filled with stress and panic that got ...

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5 Ways to Keep Your Child School-Ready This Summer

Every summer, kids lose up to ⅓ of the knowledge they gained the previous school year. This “summer slide” sets kids up to feel behind before the school year even starts. The things you do over the summer can help make or break the way the school year starts. If you want your child to ...

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5 Ways Brain Training Can Help Seniors 

If you’re a senior—or love someone who is—and have noticed changes to their memory, problem-solving, processing speed, focus, and confidence take note; LearningRx’s personal brain training has a track record of helping seniors improve these areas.  Curious to learn more about how personal brain training helps seniors? Our Results Report spells out our standard score ...

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